MovieChat Forums > Grandmother's House (1990) Discussion > So many unanswered questions with this m...

So many unanswered questions with this movie

I saw the trailer for the movie when i was about 10 and I thought it looked soooo scary. I eventually hunted it down and watched it with my friends we were all aged about 10 or 11. At that time i was TERRIFIED by it! Brink Stevens was just sooo frightening! I had to turn the volume down and watch bits of it on mute i was so scared of her! (I was only 10 don't forget!)

However...looking at it now there seems to be sooo many flaws to the movie and so many unanswered questions such as..
Why did the grandparents burn the psychotic womans clothes??? The policeman who visited the farmhouse halfway thru the movie made it clear that she had escaped from a mental institution and her intentions were to make it to the farmhouse. So presumably the authorities would be looking for her so why on earth did the grandparents burn her clothes and then proceed to ring the hospital to inform them that she was at the house. (granted the phone was dead but the grandmother clearly stated she was going to ring the hospital). When the authorities came wouldnt they wonder why the granparents had burned all the womans clothes.??
Where did the grandfather disappear to during the entire half of the movie?? He just totally vanished and reappeared in the basement at the end.
At the end of the movie when david kills the grandfather/ it supposed to signify that he is now a psycho himself as he is screaming and whacking the old man soooo many times and the movie ends with his screams of madness. So is he a psycho now himself?
When david was taken to the hospital at the end why did the sherrif and everyone else act like they didnt know what david was talking about when he said 'did they find her'. Their reply to him was..'have you been fighting with someone?' Surely they would know that there was a psychotic mad woman on the loose as a warning would surely have been put out by the mental insitution of her escape and where they expected she would be heading. (the policeman who was stabbed clearly stated he was aware of her escape and had came to the farm house to see if she was there).
Finally - the woman was so hellbent on catching up to David and why then, when she was in the truck handcuffed to the wheel, she explained that she was being kept prisoner there and asked for their help, David was attempting to help her and look for the keys to the handcuffs which he found, why didnt she just wait for him to unlock her instead of grabbing his hand and ruining it for herself? David was clearly going to unlock her from them why didnt she just wait till he did so instead of grabbing him before he had unlocked her?
i could go on and on with more ridiculous things that had no answer but I'm never going to get an answer so i'll just stop there!


JESUS, you really got INTO this movie!! It's been one of my old favorites since I was about 12 or so. I had a copy and eventually pawned it at this local used DVD shop, I was there today and low and behold, "Grandma's House" was BACK!!(Apparently someone else didn't like it, your average person doesn't appreciate schlock like we do) So naturally I re-bought it and just watched it lol. Most of your questions will remain forever un-answered...... My thoughts anyway :

I don't remember them burning her clothes. Who knows where Grampa went during the movie, it was random that he just appeared in the basement when the kid set off that rocket, ALSO he was completely UNHARMED by the rocket going off!! I think the kid didn't really go pyscho, but I would have hacked the old pervert to death too if I found out I was a product of incest. ("Filthy, SINFUL!!!!) And what EXACTLY was Grandpa doing to the woman at the end, when he put that bowl on the floor and blood started spilling into it?? As for the crazy woman, the part that really freaked me out was when it showed her under the bleachers at the swim meet. FREAKY!!! I met Brinke Stevens at a horror convention in Worcestor MA in 2004. She was very friendly and happily answered all my questions! I told her how much I liked the shower scene with her in "Slumber Party Massacre" and she just giggled and winked a me. She did seem a little spacy on something though, Xanax maybe?? LOL. Maybe they'll do a remake for this one, why not theyre doin it with everything else!!!



Glad to hear someone else likes this movie, I was there during the filming of it. Knew some of the actors. Some people just dont understand what makes a horror film ... of course you fall and twist your ankle, you go into the dark room when blood is all over the floor.... its a horror film they have no real meaning but to scare and shock and it's all good!!


I had problems with the ending too and many of the issues the OP raised, I also had trouble with.

At the very end, the kid says, "You killed my mother. You're my father." However, Brinke Stevens, his mother, wasn't dead...

So what did the kid mean?


At the time when David says "you killed my mother", at that point she WAS actually dead. The grandfather/father had just killed her on the table with the knife.

So at that point at the end the grandfather had actually killed her.

But another thing i didnt get is ...after whacking her repeatedly on the head with a shovel, then stuffing her in a fridge, what were they gonna do next with her considering she wasnt dead?

And another thing......did the grandmother know what her husband had done with their daughter...or was she oblivious to the fact that he was David's father????


The answer to many of your questions is one of my favorite quotations: 'Logic is wasted on the crazy.'



I think the biggest flaw of the movie was when David said my father is dead, and he was a military Marine.. and you see him and lynn at his funeral. But then if the grandfather was actually his father, who was the Marine? and why was the grandfather saying at the end he always wanted a son.. well apparently he already had one?? David!


I think the best way to figure this one out is as follows; It would seem that that was the grandfather's way of admitting that David was in fact his son. As for the marine, maybe he was in fact, their (David and Lynn) mother's husband, who was probably unaware that the Grandfather was having an incestuous affair with the mother. That's just a theory, though.
