Best Movie Ever?
I am currently watching this movie with 5 other drunk people at 4:30 am.. now were only about 15 minutes in, but I can already see that this film was a true work of art.
Sure, De Palma, Francis Ford, and those lesser directors may have achieved commercial and critical sucess.. but after seeing Peter Radar's chilling vision of 80's ambiguously not-so-small-town-but-not-so-big-city life, I am sure that all those hacks were merely flukes.
My career as a filmgoer has peaked, and that peak was Grandmother's House.
I know that I am not suffering from Armageddon syndrome, as I just caught 2 viewings of, what I had previously considered the finest story ever comitted to film, Jaws: The Revenge.
Like, this movie get's all up in me like I can't explain.. I just realized that I own some of the clothes used in the movie. I'm gonna track down the stars of this opus and have them sign my blue shirt, then sell it on EBAY for millions.
Thank you Peter, for giving my life meaning.
I suggest that you all take a visit... to grandmother's house.