The movies starting point was supposed to be much earlier in the timeline. Forbes, and Shaw were to be shown in training, a large amount of other scenes with Forbes were cut, and a subplot of Shaw's family early in the film was also cut. The actress who played Shaws mother (seen only for a few seconds) was supposed to have several parts. I wonder if that would have just drug out the movie and made it too long. Considering how long movies are now this would likely be a 3hr film if it was made in 2013. At any rate is was likely better off to get to the Denzel part of the film quickly. I would love to see the lost footage though. Just have a feeling that it might be all that great. Perhaps Elwes was too flat, and the scenes just didnt work. I wonder if the footage some place is simply just sitting in a studio fault some place.
A reeenactor who played one of the White officers in this film told me that they filmed over 9 hours to make this 2 hour movie.
This past Sunday (9/15/13) I attended a special showing of the movie at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. The film has been digitally remastered and the director, Ed Zwick, was there to introduce the film and answer questions about it after the showing. The question came up about if the movie would be re-released with additional deleted scenes. As I recall, Mr. Zwick said he wasn't really a fan of deleted scenes and just saw it as a way for Hollywood to make more money off the same old movie.
I know a little something about the earlier Shaw and his family scenes you're talking about. I've seen pictures of the scenes in a companion book Kodak did for the film when it came out. If you're lucky enough to find a copy, that will probably be your best bet to ever see any of those deleted scenes anywhere.
Also, I understand the original film was supposed to be much more Shaw-focused. In that case, the earlier scenes would certainly have been a part of the 1989 theatrical release.
I'd also like to see a director's cut/extended version released on Blu-ray. It worked well for Gettysburg and Gods and Generals.
Thanks for that info, bryanac. I hope Zwick will change his mind eventually and settle for a limited edition director's cut. It'd be nice to have it come out next year for the 25th anniversary of the film's initial release. It's also a good opportunity to release it during the Civil War's sequicentennial.
that makes sense. I would just have liked to seen more of the footage with Forbes. THere are two deleted scenes on youtube and I think included in on a dvd set, but they are both pretty awful. The apple picker scene is lame, and the one with Shaw and Forbes is horribly acted (I assumed they would have never have used that take, Brodericks accent is way off and Elwes is just awful in it).
I wonder if the lady who played his mom was bummed. If you watch the trailer her name is really prominent in the title card at the end. Eventually she was almost deleted entirely from the film.
Did anyone ask him why Elwes and Broderick didnt get along?
K-man-3, Look for the article "Glory and Me" by Professor J. W. Urwin in the OOP Magazine North & South Vol. 11, #5 (2009) pp. 49-57. I've met people who were in the movie before but this article told me more about the whole production experience than they ever did.
Mate get the dvd which has about 15 mins of deleted scenes. Not ones with them at school of Jane Alexander though. There's a documentary on there as well which includes some scenes with Fredrick Douglas that would've been for the movie too