MovieChat Forums > Gleaming the Cube (1989) Discussion > Does Orange County have a huge shortage ...

Does Orange County have a huge shortage of cops?

I was watching Gleaming The Cube again and somehting occured to me. Detective Lucero and his partner were called out for three totally unreleated (except for the fact that Brian was involved in all of them, somehow) cases.:

1: To arrest a bunch of guys for trespassing and skating a backyard pool.
2: A 'suicide case'.
3: An arson case.

Isn't it just a bit too coincidental that he happened to be at all these places?.


I had never noticed that... hm.

Perhaps he was always there because they all took place in his "precinct"? I'm not sure how those work, so that might not be it, but it's a thought.


LOL what is this CSI: Gleaming the Cube




It just works for the film to have the detective there for all three is all.


It's a conspiracy.

We're onto you Det. Lucero!!!!


I do think there was a cop shortage. More accurately, all of the cops were working behind desks instead of out on the street (remember the scenes at the police station? There were tons of what I'm assuming were cops there). It's a shame, too, because it was frustrating to watch the car chase when the detective had to drive the [stolen] car with no door and only had one other cop for back-up! Good thing Brian had all of his skateboarder friends there!


That's funny. I said the exact same thing to my friend a few months ago while we were watching this movie.
