
That the year says 1989 when it was made in 1987. How do I know? I was a senior at that school in 1987. Except for the speaking parts, those kids you see around the school actually went there. I probably would have been in the background myself if I didn't leave early for a class at a different school.

Something else, especially if you are into the NBA. In a shot when they are in the courtyard of the school, look in the distance at the payphones and you will see a tall redhead with a lettermans jacket on. That is Adam Keefe, who played for the Atlanta Hawks, Utah Jazz and the Golden State Warriors before retiring.


A movie is rarely ever released in the same year that it is filmed. Movies first have to be cut, edited, tested on audiences, etc, and that usually takes some time. And then the studio releases the movie when they think it would be best received which might be months after the finished product is well...finished. So filming date has nothing to do with release date. The date is for the theatrical release of the movie...not the date when the movie was filmed.


D'oooh! I didn't think of that!


I think the OP knew , but it usually does not take 2 years to get a film released.


Before digital editing sure did take that long. I don't know where you get your info but any kind of visual transfer back then took sooooo long, especially since audio wasn't mixed digitally back then either.

SO you're wrong. It usually took a year to two years of post production to get a film on its feet before the mid 90's. With the digital tech of today post production takes months tops as it's all drag and drop now.

Am I the only one who remembers how long it took for transfers from film to VHS? You saw Batman or Beetlejuice in theatres and you had to wait a full year for the home video release...damn those were some patient times.


"This is me...ya anonymous bitches"
