80's movies about skating

I remember a classic 80's movie where a group of kids raced coming from the top of the city to the seaside with their skates ( or online ones, cant remember that) with all the traffic caos and evidences that it could bring...

Another one about a guy who moved with the family from a big city to a mountain town, disappointed by the new style of life but starting playing hockey and falling in love with a girl kinda involved in an affair with another hockey player..

Anybody remembers them and their titles?

Don't know why these movies are not on the reccomandation list..


It's Airborne it was made in 92 or 93. and Thrahin was a good one too.


The first movie you described is "Airborne" (1993):


I remember it because the main character is from out of town and keeps calling people "Brah" instead of Bro/Buddy/Homey or whatever, and they think he's calling them "Bra" as in ladies' underwear.

My friend and I were in high school when that movie came out and he wouldn't stop calling everybody that for like two years after seeing the movie - got really annoying!

As for the other movie you described it sounds vaguely familiar but I can't recall the details. I know it's not "Solarbabies" but check that one out too, it's set in a post-apocolyptic world as opposed to a mountain town but other than that it's exactly the same! (Seriously, it's the same plot)


Thanx so much
It's a shame there's not the trailer in Imdb...

when u are gonna remember the other one txt me here!!


To bad Airborne it's not on DVD.


I think the first movie is Thrashing.


I saw the trailer, and it's not that one.
It was more a teen-movie, without love scenes or affairs.
It was just them skating down the top of the city to the seaside, if I haven't totally forgotten.
At first it was easy for them, then the more they approach the city centre and coast the more the traffic gets heavier and the cops start searching them too...

About the second one, there we have a kind of love affair between the newcomer in the mountain town and the nicest of the place


I'm not sure if you the first one is Thrashin' there's a scene were two guys joust on skateboards and the police bust the duel

The other one sounds alot like Airborne, as previously mentioned. A California Surfer/Rollerblader moves to Minnesota while his parents are off in Austrailia. He joins the hockey team and falls in love with the team captain's sister. he and his geeky cousin slowly gain the respect of the team in a downhill race.


Thrashin' was great. And don't forget about David Spade in Police Academy 3! He plays a skater "punk" and Tony Hawk is his stunt double. It's so funny watching it and trying to imagine David Spade as a kick ass skater. Actually, it's virtually impossible to imagine, but it's still hilarious.


David Spade was in Police Academy 4


Not to be a stickler but the main character moves to Cincinnati......

Funny side notes: on Airborne

The main female lead was the "hot" girl Chandler picks up in "Central Perk"....... After she mistakes his phone number for some other guy he goes to the coffee shop and pretends to try and console her for being stood up.


I don't think it is...but there is one called XANADU - I think Olivia Newton John was in it....but that could be it....
Then there is Power Play, but I am probably wrong...:) G/L finding your mvies

Just My $0.02, Thanks any way,


Can't recall the exact set-up (i.e. if it is a movies to the country sort of thing) but my best guess would be 'Youngblood' (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092272/)

It was from '86 and had Rob Lowe in the title role... I was only 7 at the time so I really only remember the hockey action (likely the fighting if there was any) but I think it was a talented-rebel-makes-good-in-the-end sort of flick.


police academy 4 citizens on patrol not 3


What about Corey Haim, I believe, in Prayer for the Rollerboys?


Prayer of the Rollerboys is a kicka&& movie, can't believe its not on DVD.


Thrashin was a good one. And it starred Josh Brolin. It's available on DVD.


Anyone remember a movie along the same lines as these ones.. a group of kids, 4 of them I think.. they all skate or ride BMXs.. one thing that stood out that someone would remember was that one of the kids had a skateboard with a motor on it, it had a staff type handle coming up at the back which had the acceleration control on it... need to know the name please :)


Dude, I've been trying to figure out what that movie is. The kids board has like a corded control to it and during a storm the lightning strikes the house and goes into the skate deck.

[edit] I figured out the movie is called The Skateboard Kid:


I'm gonna eat your brains and gain your knowledge.


I know it's been like 2 years since this question was asked but, I just have to say.... I think the two descriptions the original poster gave are BOTH Airborne.

He was a Californian rollerblader who's forced to move to the midwest. He plays hockey (with a young Seth Green and younger Jack Black) against the jocks. He ends up falling for a girl who turns out to be the lead jock's sister, I believe, and then at the end there's a big race through the town, ending by a lake or something (not a seaside, since they're nowhere near the sea).

In Thrashin' there weren't any cars or anything because it was an organized event "The LA Massacre".

"Looks like Torgo's been hittin' the thigh-master."


The second film the OP mentioned is "Rookies" a Canadian made-for-TV film
