MovieChat Forums > Gleaming the Cube (1989) Discussion > Why is this DVD so expensive?

Why is this DVD so expensive?

If this supposedly isn't that great of a movie (for most it seems) then why is the DVD release run about $40 for a new copy, $20 for a used one? Ebay was even selling a new copy for $75!

That's probably why Netflix doesn't have it either, because it's so expensive.


It's expensive because I don't think it is being made anymore. The DVDs of this movie are actually very few. I think only a limited number were made; thus, the high price. If they started making them again, the price would go down. Supply and demand.


But there isn't that much demand. Very few people would pay $40 or $20 for an old and somewhat cheesy kid's movie. You can get it for about $10 with shipping from England through ebay. It's a region 2 PAL DVD, the one with the funeral scene on the cover. You need a region-free & PAL-capable player or TV. It is letterboxed, about 1.75:1, from ITV DVD


With the advent of internet commerce everything is now collectible. Thanks to amazon, ebay, etc theres now a market for everything. Used to be you had to post flyers at stores that pertained to your item, take out ads in the back or magazines or newspapers, etc to sell something with a niche audience. So you'd end up selling it for cheap to a friend or pawn shop or used record store just to get to of it.

Now you can just throw it on ebay and someone will buy it eventually...
