Man, it's funny how this movie has changed now that I'm older.
Brian says toward the beginning that adults are predictable because they all believe that life as they know it was going to go on forever and that he didn't know what was worse - the world blowing up or having a 7-11 on every corner in 30 years.
That was my personal philosophy as a teenage skater in '89. And now I realize that the adults were right and we were just too juvenile to realize it at the time.
I still have fond memories of me and my friends trying to emulate Brian's hairdo and cross-type dangling earring. Seriously, this movie was THE reason that I got my ear pierced as a kid.
And this movie was so 80's! What the hell were we all thinking back then?? Do you think Tony Hawk still has a stash of pink t-shirts tucked away somewhere?