Not a retread...its like, totally different!
Personally I prefer this one over the first film. botjh are good, but this one made me laugh more and was actually scarier in spots. This is the silliest "complaint" ive ever heard about this movie. its a retread? its completely different! there is something called a formula, and EVERY film series uses it! how many batman movies have him drive a car, stop a villain, get thew girl? all of them! its a formula, but they go about it in a different way each time. they didn't rise the statue of liberty in the first one, jump in a river of slime, have venkman as a father figure to a baby, go to court, etc. it was a totally different story, but it shared that the GB's had tio fight a new villain, trap ghosts, and thats about it! how is that called a retread? i guess then every james bond movie would be considered a remake because they are all the same!
as far as I'm concerned, both 1 and 2 are classics. I only realized gb 2 was not as well liked by the online nerds when I started coming online. its gotta be one of the funniest and yes even scariest action comedies ive seen! its got a good message and is generally a very feel good sorta film. and cmon vigo is such a better villain then gozer. damn scared me as a kid!