Since the internet I thought everyone liked part 2.π
But it seems like 70 percent of people like or love it.i love fact I just watched it and gave it a solid 8
shareThat happens a lot. You think something is well liked before going online and then all of sudden you see it being dumped on by the cynical Internet. I like GB2 as well, it's not perfect but it's a good follow up to the original.
shareJust ignore the Internet. It's not well.
sharePeople like it just not as much as the original which is perfectly reasonable since the original was damn near perfect.
The second has less horror and less adult humor because it was more aimed at kids. It's still a decent comedy it just doesn't work on both the horror and comedy levels the original did which is why the original was so satisfying
It's not as good as the original, but it is one of the most quote able movies ever.
It's got a lot of great one liners, but has almost the exact same plot points as the original. Maybe people found it to be uninspired and derivative? I don't know and I don't care. I love quoting this movie.
"I'd like to run a few gynological tests on the mother."
"Who wouldn't?"
Me too, didn't realise the hate until recently and that Bill Murray didn't like it loved it as a kid in 1989 and seen it at the movies, so that might be why I am blind sided by the flaws it has, it does follow the same formula as the first one which is the biggest complaint it seems, so did Home Alone 2, however so did Star wars ep 7 last year and Creed