Some small ghostbusters issues (in general, not specific to part 2)
I am a long time Ghostbusters fan but every so often I come across something that really bugs me.
Two things that bug me in regard to Ghostbusters.
1. I can't stand the "memorial" meme fan art of Harold Ramis as Egon sadly waving goodbye over a ghost trap, about to be busted by the others. 1. The Ghostbusters usually leave the benign ghosts alone. 2. You really want to think of these heroes as busting their friend and dumping him in the pocket dimension of the containment unit surrounded by ghosts that likely have a grudge against him? Essentially damning him for all time. WHY would you want this??!
2. Something else that bugs me. Apparently the new Ghostbusters have a gauntlet that "Kills" Ghosts. The original Ghostbusters never destroyed human souls. That would be considered far too powerful. In fact if you take Real Ghostbusters as canon even The Stay Puff Marshmellow man wasn't actually destroyed because he recorporealized in the containment unit. In the cartoon continuity Egon did briefly come up with a device that could disintergrate a ghost into discorporate particles. This indicates that the ghost might eventually piece himself back together however the device only appeared in one episode and karma bit Egon in the ass for the device.
I've seen a lot of complaints about the new Ghostbusters but no one else is disturbed by this gauntlet!?!
Though for one specific to Ghostbusters 2 I could point out that it's clearly right after Christmas when the movie starts and in that time the guys reunite, get arrested, go to trial, re-organize, re-establish their business and film commercials. Have a montage of cases. And somehow they did all that in the six or so days between December 26th and New Years Eve?!?