Think the reason Ghostbusters and it's sequel worked
Is it general (especially the first one) wasn't that sexist (except the music video) and didn't treat women like that are the stupid ones. They tend to be rather smart.. albeit New York accents skew this :P Unlike the remake where just about every thing I've seen on the absurd knockoff makes them look fairly stupid. That and the knock off is geared towards ultra kids. Ghostbusters 1 and 2 were aimed a bit older :P Either way. Suddenly people think Ghostbusters 2 isn't so bad. I didn't exactly think it was bad but loved the first one. But 5 years between movies took things off the shelf a bit too long.
And people or companies don't force people to watch something they consider yuck. I have no problem with people who think the knockoff is Good, I just don't agree with them.
"If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." = Will Rogers