Why such a low rating?

It's a solid sequel!

Traci Lind is STUNNING! Rich characters, it further explores Charley and Peter's relationship, the music is beautiful as always, interesting antagonist, great violence, well paced, great effects, well cast, well structured script....

It's a worthy sequel to the classic. In fact, in some ways, I prefer this movie.


Mainly because alot of people didnt care too much for it compared to the first film, then theres the other half who porbably blind voted because of its obscurity.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


Because it lame sequel and had corny/scenes lines.



The first one was corny. Happily so.

Tone wise, the sequel is entirely the first one.

It does what any sequel should do. Further explore the character's relationships, expand the scope, make the risk greater.

It did all this.


I wouldn't call it lame but it did have that typical 80s cornish ness that other movies have. I will say this sequel was a whole lot better than some of the current sequels now, even the remake to this one.



