I don't have the original script, but it was discussed in a few interviews at the time of the film's release.
"In an early version of the script, Evil Ed was still in the film," explains Gene Warren Jr, Part 2's visual FX coordinator. "There was this sequence where he falls off the top of a building, makes a number of transformations while falling and, just before he hits the ground, changes into a bat and flys away. But once we lost Evil Ed, doing the same stunt for another character just didn't seem to fit."
Director Tommy Lee Wallace came on board the project six months after a completed script had been doing the Hollywood shuffle. "It contained broadstrokes of the movie that stands now although Regine's companions underwent considerable changes... The trouble with the first script by Miguel Tejada-Flores - who wrote Revenge of the Nerds - and Tim Metcalfe was the tone had gone way over the top. It was too campy, and my rewrite changed that adding a more specific chic crowd of vampire types... Originally Regine was written as an Elvira clone and I'm still convinced it was written as a vehicle for her even though no one has actually admitted it.
Julie Carmen hasn't always waxed so enthusiastic about the film, In fact, she remembers an early draft of the script that sent her looking for a stomach distress bag. "I was afraid of the part because Regine's character was nothing more than an Elvira imitation," the actress winces. "The revisions made her a more multidimensional being who happens to like sucking blood."
This is labeled the shooting script, but presumably revisions continued to be made throughout filming...
https://www.dropbox.com/s/4gj5a9yo9oys5aa/Fright%20Night%20Part%202%20 %281988%29%20%5Brev%20shooting%205-31-87%5D.pdf?dl=0