Too Bade they did't make a 3rd.
It cold have bin greet, too bade!
"Who's you're friend? Bozo the Clown?"
- "No, Bozo the Death Machine!"
It cold have bin greet, too bade!
"Who's you're friend? Bozo the Clown?"
- "No, Bozo the Death Machine!"
Yup all thanks to the Menendez brothers for killing their father who supported the idea of a third film. *beep* killed Fright Night Part 3 and their parents!
shareAre you joking
shareNo it's true, Roddy McDowell and Tom Holland had an appointment to see Live entertainment CEO Jose Menendez the day after his sons killed him (and his wife), Roddy and Tom were going to discuss 'Fright night 3' with him. I think the issues with the rights ownership to Fright night 2 is because the company folded after Menendez's unexpected death and nobody could figure out who owns the FN2 rights - hence there's no dvd or blu (yet, it may get resolved in the future)
I think Tom Holland (from the original) was interested in writing/directing the 3rd though, I'm sure he would have done a decent job.
shareI would have absolutely LOVED a third film. Maybe a cousin of Jerry and Regine could have gone after Charlie and Peter or even maybe Evil Ed could have returned. Sadly though, we just got crappy and generic MTV style remakes instead. *sigh!*