remake cast:)

just a hypothetical question: who'd you see as the new cast if the movie was to be remade? who'd make a good Susie, Jack & Frank?

& can you imagine non-brothers playing the Bakers? honestly, I don't think I can...


I dont think so also ..

but if ,hypothetically, they remake it here's my choice

The Wilson brothers ( Owen and Luke ) for Jack & Frank

and, Jessica Biel as Susie ..

,,, it's just an Idea


Yes I was thinking the Wilson Brothers too but is Luke uptight enough to be Frank? Jessica Biel--good choice for Susie. But I love the original--wish they'd do a follow up to that.


I think the entire concept of remakes should be taken out back and shot.


I agree with the above. There's always a few a$$holes in each thread that mentions who would be in the remake. They need to realize how stupid they sound and hopefully they won't do it anymore.


They should never do a remake of this, period.

"Come with me if you want to live!"


AGREED! It would NEVER be as good.
