
..call me crazy, but there was nothing fabulous about the Baker Boys! They were the most two dull characters in Cinema! I don't see how Susie was attracted to Jack unless it was on looks ONLY. He had no personality whatsoever! I watched the entire movie, hoping that something fabulous whould happen, and it did when the movie was over and I popped in 'Ghost'

*Put the blame on mame!*


thank you, entertainme5! you aren't crazy! my thoughts exactly. i had heard about this movie for years, finally sat down to watch it, and was completely underwhelmed. completely.

not only did jack not have a personality, i thought he was a jerk! being nice to a dog and occasionally kind to a kid doesn't undo his jerk status either.

i was surprised to see so few comments like yours on the boards. everybody seems to gush over it.


You two guys completely missed the movie. It's obvious that you didn't grasp where it was coming from and what it was saying.

BTW this is much, much better than "Ghost".


Jack WAS a jerk precisely because he wasn't handling the inner conflict between his job with Egghead and his dreams very well. That was pretty much the whole point!
