another season

I just saw this again. Excellent writing and acting. But the best part is always Michelle Pfeiffer singing "Making Whoppie" (sp).


I agree -- and so does Roger Ebert. He compares it with Rita Hayworth in Gilda and Marilyn Monroe in Some Like It Hot. (Think Roger Ebert is a little bit in love with Michelle. I can't blame him. I have been a little bit in love with her since Ladyhawke.) As for those who think she does not sing very well, in this movie she is better than most lounge singers, and better than a number of pop stars who make their living by singing.


gee- I thought she sang well! I agree, a lot of famous pop stars today can't even compare to Michelle in this movie. (Britney, ashlee, other mtv stars).

This is one of my favorite movies- I love the dynamics between the characters.


Pay attetion to the photography in this film. Angles and cuts are just perfect.


Should have been a big Oscar hit this movie.
The movie and Michelle were so overlooked.
But then again, screw the Oscars and those hypocrits!


I thought she was oscar nominated for this?


She was, but I think she at least deserved the damn thing.;)


I also believe that her singing was (is) really good.
I mean, Madonna for instance is a worst singer.
Michelle may not be a Streisand, but I think she has a good voice.
I play het Makin' Whoopee all the time.
I wish the soundtrack would have included More Than You Know and Feelings as well.
Never understood why they weren't included in the first place.


Excellent, excellent, excellent movie!!!!!!! I have not seen a drama this good in many years. This is about ordinary people living and struggling in their ordinary lives, with all the beauties/ugliness, fame/boredom, sacrifice/arrogance, happiness/sadness. It's just bittersweet seeing how just by making a choice, a judgment people can be so happy or can lose everything.

It's unfair not to see the director making more movies after this.


Michelle Pfeiffer is so astonishingly beautiful in this movie it's hard to even pay attention to her singing skills. Yet she does a superb job singing those songs (it's not easy making that commercial repertoire sound good), but I'm so overwhelmed by her svelte cheekbones and the lovely pathos her visage conjures, the music is only a backdrop to a beauty that's equaled only in the portraiture of Europe's master painters. I can't imagine even Helen of Troy matching the exquisite femininity and sheer beauty of this remarkable woman.


In my opinion, Michelle Pfeiffer is the most perfectly, classicly, beautiful woman to walk the Earth. She is sheer perfection.

We'll see whose the filthiest person alive! We'll just see!


Please come back down to Earth with the rest of us slobs....OK?


Aside from Michelle Pfeiffer's splendidly sexy rendition of the song, I wonder how many younger people know that "Makin' Whoopee" was written in 1928 for the musical comedy Whoopee!, in which it was sung by Eddie Cantor? If you're just coming of legal age, it's possible that your GREAT-GRANDPARENTS were teenagers when this song was new. And it's still a pop classic.

All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?
