Beautiful post (oneleft22). I could hear the tinkling sounds of ice cubes in a glass on 'the rocks,' the glass itself moist to the touch and the gentle sounds of black and white keys playing through the soft blue gray light of cigarette air.
So glad someone responded to remind me that I'm not alone.
Life is complicated like you said, but I think it's because we make it so.
And what a wonderful point that you make about the make believe of fiction and cinema. We can rewrite our own endings.
I know that Jack and Susie try once again. I know it. I know it like I know anything. It's a matter of physics and chemistry. Two entities that have an electrical charge are drawn toward each other.
But will it last. It's been 20 years for them. They both don't seem to like day jobs. And are repelled against the suburbs.
Sometimes I believe they even settled down with each other. but it would take serious marriage counseling to reconcile those two back.
But they may have never gotten that far. But for sure, they met back up after we witnessed that slow, crane shot lift above their heads and city skyline.
I love that scene so much. I like how you described it. I've watched it hundreds of times over the years. I love how he watches her walk away for a few moments and then he does, he too has somewhere to go, to settle some things, to make some things right.
I worked not far from that location for many years and I knew that city well. And, for a bit, I know Jack. But I think we've become strangers. I hope.
But, do I think they'll ever stop smoking? Not for all the tea in China (smile.).
I agree so much with your post, pretty much all the way. The characters are real.
Incidentally, it seems that you thought Susie was seeing the guy whose car Jack was leaning against? If so, it's not the case, it's just her neighbor.
Your thoughts?