MovieChat Forums > Earth Girls Are Easy (1989) Discussion > when geena davis yells at mrs merkin to ...

when geena davis yells at mrs merkin to go to bed

that's always funny!

I also like the song! 


I love the song too (if you're referring to the song Geena Davis Sings).

Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours


by manram24 » 2 hours ago (Mon Oct 26 2015 20:35:43)
IMDb member since November 2012
I love the song too (if you're referring to the song Geena Davis Sings).

that's the song! 

it's very catchy! 


I just watched it again last night for the first time in maybe 15 years and I was reminded of how much I used to laugh at that.


George Bush was always proud to be a Merkin. That was what he sounded like he was saying.
