so, where were the drugs?

I think I missed something.

Where did they keep the drugs that the cops couldn't find near the beginning of the movie?


There's an earlier scene that shows Diane digging a hole in the backyard and burying them, must be where they store them after they used what they need for right then.


Yes, you obviously missed her burying the drugs.

The only problem with how she buried it is that she had them loosely in a single plastic bag. If it rained or the ground was damp, their stash would be have ruined. It would have got all wet and destroyed, especially the pills. But I think they did that so you could see what she was burying. In reality, it would have been wrapped probably in five or six plastic bags, a trash bag all wrapped up, and duct-taped up into a tight package where you wouldn't be able to make out what it was -- if they were real junkies, that is, who would have been paranoid about ruining their stash if it rained.
