Why so few threads? (SPOILERS) OK, let's talk about the ending.
Warning, spoilers.
I loved this film, I saw it when it first came out and then a few subsequent times. Maybe I'll go hunt down a copy. In the early '90s, when it was bumping around the pay channels, it was advertised as some kind of drug addiction horror story. Maybe that was just PC-ness but that's not what the film was about! I actually found this film kind of life-affirming (oddly enough). I loved Bob's dialog with the drug counselor; something along the lines of how drugs negate all the petty things we go through in life (like having to tie your shoes).
I loved the character of Gentry, he could have been very one-dimensional, just a nasty cop. When Bob's is getting stomped, he's just staring at Gentry's tie. (a symbol of the establishment that he wants no part of?) I think Bob actually felt sympathy for Gentry and the role he was forced into as a cop. Also, Gentry genuinely liked Bob and was very upset when he found Bob shot.
Also, this film features the late, great William S. Burroughs as the junky priest! It gets extra points just for that! He had the best dialog: "I think some nurse is stepping on my methadone...."
My wife (who doesn't like these types of stories) did find this film very depressing and I had to take her to a chick flick to make up for it. (You wouldn't believe what she made me do to make up for taking her to "Last Exit to Brooklyn!")
Anyway, I can't believe there are only 4 threads here so let me start a new one:
What do you think was going to happen to Bob at the end of the movie? I thought that Bob had "paid his debt" and was going off to get high on all the pain killers the hospital would give him. My wife thought he was dying. I think the ending was obvious but my wife is pretty damned intelligent so maybe I missed something.
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