Just too stupid (spoilers)
Spike Lee's movies have something in common: They all involve people doing things that NO ONE would ever do. He takes a situation and then has the characters act in ways that are completely inconsistent with what real living people would say and do. It's so bad that I can only assume that Spike Lee has some kind of mental health disorder on the autism spectrum that prevents him from understanding basic human interactions and emotions.
In this movie, we see the following unrealistic actions:
1) After Mookie shows up late to work, then gets caught making personal phone calls from work, then demonstrates how terrible he is at his job by always being slow on his deliveries, then has a close friend who verbally harasses Sal in his own store and threatens to start a boycott, then tells one of the boss's sons to punch the other boss's son, and then erroneously accuses his boss Sal of being sexually inappropriate with his sister...Sal closes the store and tells Mookie that he always has a job at Sal's restaurant because Mookie is "like a son." ??? WTF. Any real boss would have thrown Mookie out on his a$$ and hired a real employee.
2) This guy Radio Raheem was a real piece of dog sh*t. He comes into Sal's restaurant after they clos and blasts his radio at full volume after he was told his radio wasn't welcome in the restaurant. Why? Just to show that he had the biggest balls in Brooklyn? What was he hoping to accomplish? His friend was all about getting a black guy's picture on the wall? I get that. But what was Raheem's goal? Why blast the music? Just to be a dick? And then he's shocked when his radio gets destroyed? Really? You couldn't guess that the guy holding the baseball bat (who hates your music) might smash your radio? Of course Raheem reacts to a smashed radio by attempting to murder Sal. All of that is very realistic.
3) Despite the unconditional love offered up by Sal, Mookie starts the riot by throwing a garbage can through the front window of Sal's restaurant. ??? WTF According to Spike Lee himself, Mookie threw the garbage can because he was upset about his friend (Radio Raheem) who was killed by police. Throwing the garbage can would make sense if Sal killed Raheem...but he didn't. The police killed Radio Raheem. Radio Raheem was trying to kill Sal. Why would Mookie bite the hand that feeds him? By throwing that garbage can, he was guaranteed to be out of a job, despite needing one to feed his girlfriend and child. He hadn't yet been paid for the week, so he was risking a lot of money. Plus throwing the garbage can would certainly result in the severing of a tie between a man who appeared to love him for no discernible reason. Throwing the garbage can accomplished nothing, with no upside and no understandable motive.
4) After Mookie single-handedly incites a riot resulting in Sal's restaurant getting destroyed, he has the audacity to go back and ask to get paid. WTF??? Why would he even think Sal would pay him? Sal even said, 'The money I owe you wouldn't come close to covering the cost of the window you broke.' Fair point. But we're to believe that Mookie went back to get paid.
5) And of course Sal pays him in full. No...not just in full. He pays him double. WHY? This was never explained. Basically Sal said, 'I'm so mad at you that I'm going to throw hundred dollar bills at you.' Wow. Way to show him your tough side there Sal.
The John Turturro character (Pino) was a despicable character throughout the movie, but in the end, he turned out to be right. Just as he said, Mookie could not be trusted, and the family should have moved the business out of the neighborhood. Nice writing Spike Lee. You just made the racist assh*le the most reasonable character in your movie.
What a stupid movie