Were You A Fan Of USA UP ALL NIGHT? If You Were Then Needing Your Help!
If you loved all of the Deathstalker movies then I know you would love the old show that use to be on at one time on Friday and Saturday nights known as USA UP ALL NIGHT on the USA Network!
They use to show a variety of movies like B movies, cult movies, horror movies, and a few mainstream movies as well. The two hosts of USA UP ALL NIGHT were Rhonda Shear who was a very beautiful blonde goddess who hosted the show on Friday nights then there was Gilbert Gottfried who is famous for doing the voice of the duck in the AFLAC commercials.
He hosted the show on Saturday nights. A friend and I who loved watching USA UP ALL NIGHT created a website that is dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show. You can find the website on my signature, www.wikipedia.com, and I also created a forum of USA UP ALL NIGHT on MySpace for you to check out.
While you are checking the website out and you are there then please take the time and sign the petition to help bring back USA UP ALL NIGHT! Let your family and friends who were fans of the show know about this website and let them know to sign the petition as well!
Thanks again!
Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! http://deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/