MovieChat Forums > Cyborg (1989) Discussion > Best van Damme villain

Best van Damme villain

I'm a huge fan of van Damme movies. One thing which separates his films from other actors' is the bad ass villains. Which bad guy is the meanest and baddest?

Here's my ranking:

1. Fender (Cyborg)
2. Christian "Sandman" Naylor (Death Warrant)
3. Chong Li (Bloodsport)
4. Tong Po (Kickboxer)
5. Atila (Lionheart)
6. Stavros (Double Team)
7. Hockey Terrorist (Sudden Death)
8. Zhang/Griffith (Double Impact)


No contest at all! The tag-team of Fouchon and Pik, Hard Target (1995)!

"Randall, I come back here, I cut me a steak!"

Now if you should want to call me, use this number. This other one is the old number.


#1 Fender without a doubt! I had nightmares about him as a kid! :)
#2 Tong Po
#3 Sandman
#4 Chong Li
#5.... I dunno... the rest... - Free online multiplayer game


You guys are all wrong. Best villian ever for VD was Dolph Lundgren in Universial Soldier.


No, Tong Po was the absolute worst example of a human being ever. Not only did he cripple Eric Sloane, he went on to viciously rape Van Damme's lady and then brag about it. Vicious bastard.



Hell no. Cyborg has one of the most laughable villains I've ever seen. Vincent Klyn should have stuck to surfing.


Vincent Klyn was the best bad guy to me. He had a slow menacing way about him. Although I would not want to fool with Bolo Young (trained by Bruce Lee) and Dolph Lungren is no push over either.


Laughable? WTF? LOL your statement is what's most laughable here.


Laughable? WTF? LOL your statement is what's most laughable here.

Vincent Klyn is a complete joke of an "actor" with no talent what so ever.


(to Steveday)Now that you reminded me of how vicious Fender was, I am going to watch this again tonight.

I always thought it was funny how Vincent Klyn sounded like a monster. The crucification scene was great, and I also liked the intro. And of course, when he kills the little guy holding a knife because he wouldn't give up his boat to Fender: "You expect me to swim to Atlanta?!?!" "I CAN'T SWIM!!!!" "I HATE THE WATER!!!!!"


"You expect me to SWIM all the way to Atlanta!? I...CAN'T...SWIM!!! A*HOLE!! I HATE THE WATER!!!!

lol i like this line...


*takes off his shades and stares deeply into all of your eyes*



I was just watching CYBORG again last night and I was struck by the contrast between Fender's crew's appearance in full post-apocalyptic gear through much of the movie and the somewhat more normal look in the flashback sequences (Fender's shades were even clean). It's not much, but it does portray some depth and change in the characters. Yes, I realize this is an extremely B-rate post-apocalyptic SciFi movie, but it entertains me and that is all that is necessary.

"I don't know man, I just got here meself!"


Fender is the coolest and deadliest villian for sure.
Tong Po is pretty brutal and is a easilly hatable as well.
Cyborg kicks ass. These is easily one of Van Damme's best films-fight wise. The fight scenes are intense and emotional. Fender is truley awesome
2.Tong Po
3.Chong Li
4.Andrew Scott (lundgren)
5.The mongolian form the quest/Atilla(same actor)
The Sandman sucks as a villian by the way. He isn't in the film long enough to even develope a cool personality or character. Weak

“How does it feel to be hunted?!?!”


i would have to say Andrew Scott in universal Soldiers is my favorite villain. The opening scene in vietnam was bad A$$. i love all of the other Van Damme movies and Villains as well though.


Yes the villain is an absolute bad dude; possibly the worst actor I have ever seen. I haven't watched the film since I bought it because it's so awful, but I have been thinking about getting hold of an uncut vversion soon.


what the hell is wrong with you guys? do you not remember hard target? lance henriksen? arnold vosloo?

"is this dangerous?"
"not clinically."


If I was rating by charisma, Pik and Fouchon would be in this list. But I'm rating by badassness instead:

1. Tong Po (Kickboxer: holy ****, even JCVD's character, Kurt, was trembling with fear when we first saw him permanently cripple his brother, the world champion, effortlessly in the ring)
2. Fender (Cyborg)
3. GR13 (Universal Soldier)


I thought this was a very cool, subtle, and well-thought-out aspect of the film -- in the flashbacks, you see Fender wearing denim and blue jeans (and one of his henchmen is wearing military fatigues and a U.S. Special Forces T-shirt), and in the "present day" sections of the film, both characters are dressed far more "Mad Max"-style (read: bizarrely).

It's clear that the flashbacks are set not long after the plague and societal collapse occurred, as Fender only has two members in his entire gang at that point, and they're dressed so incredibly "normal" (as in, much closer to how we dress right now).

However, in the "future" sections of the film, flamboyant chainmail and wrist-bracers are the order of the day, which illustrates Fender's rise to power over the intervening decades.


i like what all you guys said but the dumbest of the bad guys was goldberg in universal soldier the return


Are you people for real? There actually has been a number of talented actors who have played villain opposite Van Damme and you guys pick this talentless idiot? His only acting method is to stand around and make ridiculous poses, and when he's fighting someone he'll scream at the top of his voice. Truly awful actor. Anyone in the world of his height and weight could have played that character.


Have you ever seen Universal Solider....Dolph Lundren was classic in that movie? I haven't seen most of his DTV movies so I may leave a few out.

1. Andrew Scott (US)
2. Chong Lee (Bloodsport) or The Gangster from Double Impact (both played by Bolo) - They were pretty much same character....human wrecking ball/bone twisting killer.
3. The Sandman, different kind of villain for Van Damme sort of like Scott in Universal Solider, he was more of realistic serial killer type and alot more psychological and calculating.
4. Tong Po, He would be number 2 or 3, but I don't think he is as skill Chong Lee and The Sandman is a run of the mill killer.


Dolph Lundgren from universal soldier was probably van dammes best villain. I would vote Bolo Cheung from Double Impact and Blood sport as his second. Fender was a menacing but most of the time he just screams, flexes, and only fights Gibson after he had already tired out from killing half his pirate gang.


I'm surprised at the lack of Lance Henriksen and Arnold Vosloo from Hard Target on here. That was probably Van Damme's best movie too.


Fender is the best villain I think. The problem with some of the classic villains like Tong Po & Chong Li is that they had to resort to cheating to put up a fight. Once their cheating schemes were foiled, Van Damme EASILY kicked their asses.

Atila was a good villain too.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!
