MovieChat Forums > Communion (1989) Discussion > The film hints that Aliens are sexualy i...

The film hints that Aliens are sexualy impregnating humans ?!

Does anyone buy this concept ?

The reason I ask is because I looked at the book and several other books, plus
several Documentary's on this subject.

The concept that they are saying is that the aliens came to earth during another decade (The 50's) and wanted human DNA.
So the United States Government cut a deal with the Aliens, trading human specimens (DNA) for Technology. Thus explaining the technological advancements
of the last several decades.

However the plot becomes more sinster. The Aliens want our DNA, so they can cross bread with us.

The Documentary's and books are full of interviews with people who claim to have been sexually assulted/raped buy aliens who are seeking human DNA.

In the film communion there is a woman in the therapy group who claims she was pregnant, then one night a bunch of little blue men came marching into her bedroom and abducted her. When she awoke she was no longer pregnant !?

In one of the documentary's there is a man who claims that the aliens used some type of annul probe to tickle his prostrate, so that he would ejaculate.

The man also said that he has been abducted in this manor more then once.
During the interview the he said that
"the Aliens either use a tube to capture seamen or force intercourse with a
creature that is so vile you cant even look at it".

Then later they abducted him again, to show him the results.
Seven of his crossbred alien children !

Another women claims a similar story where the aliens impregnated her and then removed the child form her womb.
Later, she was abducted and introduced to a female high breed alien that looked a lot like her.

A lot of this stuff can get pretty intense on this subject.

The theory is that the aliens are crossbreeding with us so they can eventually have there own race of high breeds. When the time is right they will take over the planet and use the human race as cattle.

Have you heard or read any stories like this ? IF so where and what ?
What are your thoughts on this subject ?

I'm a Cinemajunkie !


I don't buy the concept but if you want books about it I'd suggest Budd Hopkins and Raymond Fowler's stuff. They deal extensively with the "alien hybrid" issue.


Read Missing Time by Budd Hopkins or The Threat by David Jacobs. There are many theories on Abduction, ET vs from another dimension. Here for DNA, making hybreds, to study emotions, etc etc...who knows why it is happening to many people.


Thanks for that. I will check it out. I enjoy reading about this and you just gave me a lot of good info.

I'm a Cinemajunkie !



An intriguing theory indeed. You've provided numerous compelling examples to bolster your argument. Now, I recall that the psychiatrist in the movie specializes in sexual assault. Therefore, it can be asserted with a considerable degree of certainty that the aliens sexually assaulted their victims.


Is there a "#metoo" for those who've been abducted by space aliens?


There is #ETToo


AAARG Billy, have you ever tasted seamen?


Who'd buy them the advanced evolutionary beings? They need to be nested inside somewhere, they'd come light-years to do so...
