How convenient...
Interesting scenario:
A talented creative writer of vampire/warewolf fiction whose latest works have met with subpar success, suddenly realizes he's been abducted by aliens throughout the span of his life. The writer then markets these interstellar memoirs as NON FICTION. Almost instantly his new work is catapulted on the best sellers list. A movie deal follows, plus a subsequent franchise of alien experience related books, all of which have made said writer a multimillionaire.
How convenient...
I mean who would believe THAT A SEASONED HORROR FICTION AUTHOR would have the capacity to fabricate such a story...
Anyway with that being said, Communion is still one of my favorite movies, it is delightfully bizzare and surreal... In fact, even though I am staunchly oppsed to remakes, this is one movie I would like to see get re-visited (no-pun intended. I don't even know if it was released theatrically, but for whatever reason it's not a well known film, and I think that's a shame because it is such an awesome story.
Can you imagine if they pumped a hundred mill into it.. how insane they could make it?
"Communion, Directed by David Lynch" <=== OMFG I would sh*t myself.