MovieChat Forums > Communion (1989) Discussion > This movie is not about aliens

This movie is not about aliens

This movie and obviously the book it was based on is NOT about any real non human "aliens"... It's quite clearly about human mind control. CIA/USA government mind control. They use a lot of "alien" themes when they mess with peoples heads. One definition of mind control is that the victimized person has their perceptions of reality totally confused, manipulated and messed with. This movie is a great example of exactly that. The "aliens" in the movie are so obviously fake, and it's completely on purpose. At one point Christopher Walken is even sitting around reading a magazine or something and right next to him are the MASKS that the clearly fake "aliens" wear!! They knew exactly what they were doing when they made this movie the way they did. It's almost like they want people to understand the truth. The parts where he recalls through hypnosis what the "aliens" did to him and experimented on him are very disturbing...because we know it was HUMANS who were actually doing all that to him. Mind control is real, "aliens" aren't!

Read this, think, research and then watch this will make so much more sense then! Programming Scripts

Alien Programming Scripts

"There are numerous scripts for the Alien programming. Recent novels and Hollywood movies provide a non-ending pool of programming resources for the Programmers. Visual reality headgear and other high-tech methods can easily be incorporated into an alien abduction theme. The following are samples of some of the people who the author Fritz has spent time with, who on one level knew they needed help, but didn't know just what they felt uneasy about.

Person 1: Had been abducted by aliens since she was a small child. Different types of aliens took her. Her mother worked for the CIA at Area 51. Her mother was abusive to her. One of her best friends is a Monarch slave. When the aliens come a bright light appears and then they abduct her. The aliens she works with the most look exactly like people, and in their handwriting show severe abuse. These benevolent aliens have taken her fetuses several times. She has time-traveled to their planet. She is dissociative. The government authorities are constantly monitoring and tracking her, and have made an effort to besmudge her record, so that it appears like she is looney tunes. This is the type of cases that this book's co-author has spent time working with. Doesn't t this sound more like human mind-control than real aliens?

Person 2: This person hears aliens within his head (which when described sounds like a case of MPD (DID). The aliens would take him and force him to have homosexual activities even though he didn't want to participate. But that was O.K. to him, because they were a superior race and if these benevolent aliens which are so far advanced beyond us, want to have sex with him, that is their perogative. This person has a lot of depression. This person wonders why the authorities seem to keep track of him.

Person 3: This person worked at Area 51. Has a photographic memory throughout his entire MPD system. He realizes that he is MPD. His best friend claims to be an alien, a god of sorts, and is known by both this person & Fritz to be part of Naval Intelligence. This best friend acts more like a handler than an alien, and this Area 51 worker gives his best friend total allegiance. This man has all kinds of alien type stories, which sound in many cases like programming. This person admits that his family is Illuminati, and the front alters say he has watched Illuminati rituals as an adult, but hasn't participated . He shows signs of severe abuse. He is afraid to talk about trauma-based mind-control, but loves to talk about aliens.

In fact, all three of the persons discussed on this page shied away from talking about Monarch mind-control, as if it were something not important, but they all love to talk about aliens. And the list of interesting people like this could go on.

When Mind-controlled slaves who have alien programming are being abducted by the intelligence agencies for their use and for programming here are some of the details of how and what occurs: A bright light is shined into their house. They have been hypnotically conditioned to view this light as a Flying Saucer, whether it is a helicopter or something else. As the NWO does have Flying Saucers, sometimes the real thing is used. Men in Black (just like in SRA cases) are often associated with the abductions. And the slaves frequently speak about "shadows in the mind."

The slaves are taken to rooms where examining tables with white sheets and X-ray machines, Headgear and medical equipment is in place. (The alien equipment has gotten more high-tech over the last 40 years. The aliens wear suits that are full of occult symbology. The people are restrained with clamps and electrical shock and energy is used on them. They are told that they are receiving information. They are given tracking implants and other implants.

All of the 3 above persons, receive information from the aliens regularly. Almost all of the elements of Monarch trauma-based mind-control appear in these abduction accounts, especially in the psychological features of the victim. The victims of alien abduction programming feel suicidal after they talk too much. They have headaches, sleep difficulties, nightmares, obsessive thoughts, a fear of hypnosis, trapped feelings, and paranoia.

During their abductions the aliens use drugs, thought transfers, and painful medical procedures. The aliens use language that parallels the messages given to SRA victims, just change the language from Satan is in charge to the Aliens are in charge.

Cattle mutilations where the blood has been drain are associated with abductions. There is documented accounts where cattle mutilations have been connected to Satanic cults using helicopters. The victims of aliens are forced to be impregnated and then the fetus is repeatedly taken. The aliens are repeatedly telling these victims that a holocaust is soon to come.

Another strange phenomena, that others and this author have noticed is that these victims of alien abduction seem to know each other, much in the same way that victims of Illuminati mind-control seem to know each other. And the aliens seem to know everything about the victims. The victims have amnesia of their abductions. The memories of their abductions are hidden in altered states of consciousness, that hypnosis sometimes can pull up. Most victims are afraid of hypnosis or can't be hypnotized (they have been hypnotized not to allow anyone else to hypnotize them.)

To give credit where due, Bowart's Operation Mind Control Researcher's edition, (1994) has an excellent appendix with charts which compare SRA mind-control victims and alien abduction victims. The charts reveal how similar the two groups are. In preparing these paragraphs, we have used his charts as a basis for how we wrote these last two paragraphs up. However, the co-authors experiences in working with abduction victims match the findings of Bowart. Do aliens from another planet exist? They may or may not. It is not a real issue, we have to face what is already on this planet.

Fritz has several tapes of aliens of different types talking (which were obtained from abduction survivors) and their voices sound demonic and they are saying that they have been alive on this planet for many years. One said something like he's been here on earth 500,000 years. If an alien has lived on this planet for 1/2 million years, when does he get residence status. My! If that is true, he is no alien--we are!

But one thing is certain, this planet contains some very slimy evil creatures who are either real non-humans or very deceptive dark humans. The Bible calls them demons and reprobate men. The four most popular origins of supposed aliens on earth are all star groups relatively close to our solar system.

They are: the Pleiades, known as the 7 or 9 sisters, because their are 9 stars of which 7 are visible; Sirius, the dog constellation; the Orion constellation; and the twin stars of Zeta Reticuli, which twin stars were amazingly charted by Chinese astrologers in 3,000 B.C.!

Fritz, the co-author of this book kept an open mind on the issue, could there be any benevolent aliens? Some abductees believed that their aliens were benevolent, but when they are debriefed they admit that mind-control and sexual molestation is carried out by the aliens. Fritz, has concluded with other investigators on this question, there are no benevolent aliens, in fact the only aliens that may be around are what have been known as demons.

People who have participated in high level Illuminati ceremonies report the presence of creatures that look like the various aliens . (This whole subject is dealt with in another book by Fritz Springmeier.) Some points might be briefly brought out. Fritz has amassed a great deal of evidence that the elite have human-built Flying Saucers. Notice how the controlled media always link aliens with Flying Saucers and UFOs? This is an entire book in itself, however, the bottom line is that at least most (if not all) of the alien abductions are simply part of the NWO s mind-control.

It is obvious that for various reasons (including the goals set down in the secret Iron Mountain government report), the government (including cooperating agencies like NASA) decided to use an alien abduction theme rather than a Satanic Ritual Abuse theme to their mind-control programming. The major differences in the programming methodology is that the blood rituals of the SRA are no longer used. The reason why blood rituals are no longer needed is that the high-tech harmonic machines (which implant thoughts-see chap. 6) and other high-tech methods eliminate the need for the blood traumas. The victims of alien abductions are taken at random, where the Illuminati victims are abducted more frequently around ritual dates. The person who believes in UFOs and aliens is going to receive the same type of treatment as those who believe in Satanic Ritual Abuse. The legal system and society at large are conditioned to treat them as nuts. This protects their abusers.

An Illuminati hierarchy member described their magic goal of pursuing a spiritual path through the finer frequencies of outer time. The alien programming is one way to experience this."



Here's what Whitley Strieber (a CIA, MK-Ultra mind control victim) has said about the CIA :

"He began by chronicling his personal experience of the CIA.
It was an organization that he hated. "I know a lot about the
CIA," he declared. "I know a lot of people in the CIA and I've
been very close to the CIA at certain times in my life."
But, he went on, "I don't like the CIA. I think it's a
disaster, a national catastrophe of the first order, a SATANIC
monstrosity ..."


Sad story. You got a smoke?




Of course, the point is that Strieber knows very well what sleep paralysis is and knows that his odd encounters are not due to that specific condition. Some of his sightings and abductions occurred in full daylight with full wakefulness, some were witnessed in the company of others, etc. Sleep paralysis is an archaic and mostly lame explanation for ufo abductions. And the OP is correct - Strieber himself feels that there is a strong, sinister government involvement in many of these cases, which is a not unreasonable notion, given what we know about what the US government is willing to do to its own citizens ... and this isn't even taking into account the secret ops that not even the standard government knows much about.




Why not write a book instead?
