MovieChat Forums > Communion (1989) Discussion > Negative thoughts on this film.

Negative thoughts on this film.

Many threads on this film have quite a negative feel.i saw this film in my teens and it scared the life out of me.Have i been disillusioned?Is it a load of crap?Maybe peoples expectations are too high....this is an old film that was just b4 special effects(exlududing star wars!) started to look convincing and although i have read about the aliens are supposed to be looking "abit ruff" i was convinced they were real aliens!Am i just easy scared and convinced by this film ???


Whether you have been scared by a movie, and especially if it happened when you were young, does not imply that the movie was good.

I remember when at the age of 10 I saw the Roman Polanski film, "The Fearless Vampire Killers" ( I was so scared that I could not sleep without the lights on for months. Even though it was just a comedy, and when a decade later I saw it again, I found it entertaining but not scary. And that is not a very good movie either, even if still much better than Communion.

Now, I get back to "Communion". I had read Strieber's books (there were two) years before I saw the movie (that happened yesterday) and without any external influence I decided not to believe a word of them. Strieber wanted to earn money, and he succeeded in it. I do not blame him, he is a gifted fellow.

The film is awful, however. In 1989 technology was much better than what you see in the movie but this is the least important problem. The main source of low quality is the book itself: you cannot make a really good movie from a very bad script. The behaviour of the aliens is at most ridiculous, and the main message of the movie is shallow and very stereotypical.

Since I read some UFO literature and also know some "field reports", I can confirm that the aliens you saw in this movie are quite far from what most wittnesses experience. The larger aliens indeed remind of the "greys" (even though these are pink/white), but the smaller ones are just laughable gnomes.
This has a logical explanation too: When Steiber decided to write his book, greys were yet not depicted in the media in such uniformity as they are now. What Strieber probably knew was the classical book of Budd Hopkins, the "Missing Time" from 1981, and some previous works where there was just some inaccurate description of the aliens. There Strieber took his ideas. Being a writer, he had enough fantasy to fill up the gaps.


people like you feel better knit picking someone elses post.Please try not to be condesending.........i could coff at your statement"the behaviour of the aliens is at most ridiculous"?please tell me how aliens act(i have never seen any to decide myself)?But i have come on here for fun not someone like you to make yourself feel better by knocking my post down a thread or two!


I don't understand your aggresive reaction to my post. I was not "condescending" at all, I simply write here what I think of the movie and especially the book it is based upon. The title was "negative thoughts on this film". That is all.

Also, I don't understand your remark about my "knocking your post down a thread or two".

I can however give you two advices:

1. When you are posting a message in a public forum do not be so surprised if someone else replies. Even though you use this forum, you do not own it.

2. If you have a bad day, rather do not post anything.




I found this movie very creepy, too. Even if the special effects were bad, plot was strange... etc.

1. Walken gave a very persuasive performance of a man fearing for his life and sanity.
2. Even if the alien models were laughable, the director had the ability to gave the scenes a creepy feel... when he sees the aliens in the apartment or when he has abducted, for example.
3. The story has a very uncomfortable undertone. May the aliens "examine" him or not, they were clearly raping him. But later he just makes peace with them, case closed...
