I don't think this was cheesy
Things happen in this world that are sometimes unexplainable. Who knows what happened to Strieber or what he saw? I think this movie seemed cheesy to some people because the movie was trying to portray things that are probably impossible to portray to most humans (just like its impossible to really show, on film, what feeling high on marijuana or LSD is like... its different for each person and some experiences can't be explained to other people with our limited language and intellect). Synesthesia exists and people can try to describe what "hearing colors" (for example) is like but unless someone actually has synesthesia, I think it would be impossible to come close to really understanding the experience. Therefore, the scenes with the aliens and the doppleganger and flying robot toy and everything else that is labelled as cheesy is simply the best the director could come up with to describe one man's supernatural (or at the very least, hallucinatory) experiences. All in all I thought the movie was very creepy and surreal and it give me chills and I thought Clapton's music was perfect- it captured 1985 and Striber's personality to a tee. Yes, the movie appears dated, but I like that. It was supposed to take place in 1985- I love it when a film captures the spirit of a time like that. I thoguth Walken was excellent and just perfectly eccentric and that the kid who played Andy acted very well. I love this movie!
"Man is a social animal who despises his fellow man" ~ Delacroix