I guess I am obsessing about this, but I just looked through 200+ You Tube videos and the Christopher Walken Wikipedia article just to find any comments he might have made about 'Communion', feelings, about Whitley Streiber, extraterrestrials et al, and found nothing.
Here in the Trivia it says Streiber told Walken he thought Walken was portraying him 'a little too crazy', and Walken replied 'If the shoe fits....'. Maybe another way of saying he didn't believe the tale. Walken is such a good actor that he would conceal that sentiment anyway, and I thought he was very believable in the movie. Could anyone help with this search? I'm not sure why I'm obsessed, maybe I think Walken might have investigated the abduction phenomenon and would have some good thoughts on the subject. And I am fascinated myself having spoken to an 'abductee' myself. By the way, I looked at the You Tube video of Walken on 'Inside the Actor's Studio' and 'Communion' was not mentioned even though it was in the mid 90's. Maybe an indication as to Walken's feelings about the movie? Too bad, I liked it a lot, quite compelling for me. I've been interested in the UFO phenomenon all my life, even though I have only seen a couple of unusual aerial crafts or objects.