Clearly animals were harmed in this film, several Otises died
This film was never rated by the Humane society of the US and several months after filming the rumors began to surface about the filmmakers going through several (reports were up to 30) cats and dogs to make the film. When one died, they simply replaced it with another. (the Economist-google for date of issue.) Also, the film's more "intense" scenes were edited for an american audience-the bear fight had apparently blood (!!) and more vicious fighting, and the scene where Milo goes over a cliff into the sea (obvious cruelty whether he lived or died) has milo trying desperately to crawl up the cliff and failing.
How anyone can enjoy this film is beyond me. The animals are obviously afraid. This is not computer imaging or animal training. This is throwing a dog into a fight with a bear. A cat over a cliff, or into the water. If you're comfortable doing that to your pets, then I guess it's okay to watch this film. But frankly, I saw it with my child and was deeply disturbed.
Another legit film site remarks that while the disclaimer at the end of the film states "animals were treated with utmost respect and concern for their safety" does NOT say "no animals were harmed in the making of this film".
I am not an "animal rights" person but nor do I espouse throwing a defenseless animal over a cliff to entertain (?) small children. If you do, I seriously question your right to even have small children!