Sad Thing is..

This sort of nonesense is happening in Places like Iraq :S

Naive Soldiers (like that of J. Fox) are getting caught up with Idiots (like that of Seans).

Its really messed up how War brings out the Worst in People, and the People just hide behind the fact that "Its cool" or "I cant take it no more so imma go on a rage".

i Really Wish the US Government and my Government (the UK) will sort their acts out.

they went into the war in Iraq Backwards, and everything there has turned backwards with Soldiers dying everyday and stuff like this happening..

..Wow what a rant, sorry... Movie just got me thinking



He may be talking about this:

It's time to fish or cut the bait


Or this: 667/




by - romefan123 on Sun Aug 2 2009 11:34:18
Cite a case of this happening in Iraq. I haven't heard one. You're an ass, just trying to perpetuate your liberal agenda in here, now get lost.

SHUT UP!!!!! this is happening everywhere all over the world!, every country that has seen war has seen this, for hundreds and hundreds of years, look at braveheart, ww2 movies, 1492 conquest of paradise etcetc!!!! so YOU get lost



You moron romefan how stupid and naive can you be? It's true this probably happens in so many war torn countries, it's disgusting. The justification "It's war times" "It happens in the field" "You can't blame them, it's the war" is BULL! War is not an excuse to become an animal. When all those atrocities were committed against the Jews in WWII it was all justified under 'War time circumstances'. Disgusting.


OH SNAP! Oh Snap! romefan123's getting pwned by everyone below em!

Monkey B is not a person...Monkey is a soul, that LIVES, in many bodies.


romefan is someone who would probably go through with something like this if he was a soldier. it must be fun living life with blinkers on.

i hate it when people do no research before they tell others they are wrong..

i bet his real name is meserve hahaha

"she's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever."


haha, good work people.


I kinda feel sorry for 'haven't heard one'? Oh honey, oh sweetness. Wake the eff up. There are horrible, evil, dark and twisted things going on around you as I type, just because you haven't heard it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. Oh, to be so naive.

...R.I.P Michael Joseph Jackson...
...R.I.P Heathcliff Andrew Ledger...


