USA war crimes

I had not heard of this fact-based Vietnam war movie until Yesterday showed it on Saturday night in the UK. Based on a kidnap, gang rape and murder during the Vietnam war, it has good performances (even from Michael J Fox), and a score from Enrico Mariconi plus the usual DePalma strengths and weaknesses. However, what elevates it for me is that that the director has documented a real USA war crime rather than just the folly of war. Yes, the Vietnamese are not developed as real characters, but DePalma attempts to look at gang-rape mentality.


Here's a fun fact for you, they all walked away free after serving greatly reduced sentences.

What kind of justice is this???


You might find this interesting -

We are the coup, you idiot!


I find it interesting indeed that the channel named "Russia Today" finds time to discusses torture by Americans, and never finds any time for the torture in Russia (today).


You expect Russia to give you the same propaganda you get from your own Western media? They slag us, we slag them (24/7) - that's how it works. But I find a great deal more truth and less propaganda in general on RT than in Western corporate media. Most mainstream news listening Westerners don't have clue about what's really going on in the world and they don't want to know either. They're happy living in their corporate self-serving reality bubble. But the rest of the world is quite upset about it and for good reason.

Leave the gun, take the cannoli...


I except a channel calling itself "Russia Today" to discuss "Russia today".

I can find a plenty of reports on torture by the Americans in "Western corporate media". For example, the phrase "abu ghraib" shows up in 34,300 (over thirty-three thousand) articles on alone. A link for you to this sample:

Now, just how often the torture (or rape) in Russia today and/or by Russian military servicemen / police officers / chekists is being reported by the (government-owned) Russia Today?


RT is an international news service, like Voice Of America (USA) and the BBC World Service (UK). Russia isn't going around the world bombing countries into submission. Do you know how many foreign military bases in how many different countries the US has? And how many Russia has? The US has over 900 bases in over 130 countries. Russia has one - in Syria - whose government the US has been trying to overthrow with it's mercenary terrorist proxy armies. If they succeed, Russia will lose it's one foreign military base. You just don't really get what's going on in the world today, and unfortunately you'll never learn about it in your MSM reality bubble.

Leave the gun, take the cannoli...

reply (and it's funny how the article calls occupied Georgia "South Ossetia", all while ignoring the bases in Abkhazia also in Georgia). Some more like Cuba and Vietnam are to be revived.

VOA and BBC are of course reporing on the shameful affairs like Abu Ghraib, the Bloody Sunday, etc., whatever you want - a plenty. For example, has 1,180 articles about Abu Ghraib.

Care to guess how many times the word "Chernokozovo" ever shows up on Russia Today? Once: - and that was just a USER COMMENT.

Did you even ever hear about Chernokozovo? ("Your MSM reality bubble" didn't report about it much, I'm afraid. Because in the West no one really cares about Russia, or Russian crimes.) If not, here's an introduction for you:

During January and early February 2000, the remand prison at Chernokozovo, about sixty kilometers northwest of Grozny, was the principal destination for those detained in Chechnya. It quickly became infamous for savage torture of detainees. Forms of torture included prolonged beatings, beatings to the genitals and to the soles of the feet, rape, electric shocks, tear gas, and other methods. (52) Guards also subjected detainees to profound humiliation and degrading treatment. At least one person was beaten to death. Often prison guards and other law enforcement officers would use torture to coerce confessions or testimony; just as often, however, it had no apparent purpose.


And you know what? Hey, let's conduct an experiment!

First, no-Russia today ("war crimes in Iraq"): .com (184 results on RT)

Then, "Russia today" ("war crimes in Chechnya"): (0 results on RT)

But what about one Russian convicted for some of these allegedly non-existing war crimes (charged with kidnapping, rape & murder, convicted with kidnapping & murder) in the war that allegedly never existed (RT calls it "the counter-terrorism campaign in the Russian Chechen Republic")?

Why, he's a described as "nationalist icon" (this phrase being reserved for him alone, in 29 different articles):

Things like Novye Aldi ( are never ever mentioned on RT, of course.

Aldi is also nowhere to be found on CNN, too. But that's because CNN is not dedicated to "Russia today", and American journalists are just not particularily interested in things like Russian forces massacring a village in Chechnya.


There's nothing happening in Chechnya. Russia ended its counter-terrorism operations and the resistance halted it's operations in 2009. You want Russia to dredge up war crimes out of history for your delectation, so you don't feel bad about your own country? Even while the international Western media machine churns out anti-Russian propaganda 24/7? You have a very strange view of the world.

Leave the gun, take the cannoli...


Really, "nothing's happening" since 2009? Let's see just some recent months. (Also, Russia Today is operating since 2005.)

-What were those troops doing (and dying) in the Chechen woods in December of 2013, that is last month?

-In November, there's an accident in Voronezh, when the emergency landing of a plane with a batch of freshly wounded soldiers (the casualties that were previously not announced) took place outside of the Chechen information black hole:

- It's about an identification of a guy who bombed a police station in September (killing at least 3 cops).

And so on. It seems "there's nothing happening in Chechnya", indeed. And do you think also "nothing" is nowadays happening in Dagestan? Ingushetia? Kabardino-Balkaria? Or even Stavropol, where there was a military martial law regime in effect last week after a series of killings of civilians by suspected Kabardino-Balkaria insurgents: And of course the recent suicide bombings in Volgograd, and so forth.

Anyway, what about how "the international Western media machine" of has never even mentioned the N. Aldi massacre, but discussed Abu Ghraib more than 30,000 times? And so on; for example, the phrase "Haditha killings" alone shows up in 134 CNN articles, while the phrase "Aldi killings" is nowhere to be found on CNN at all.

And let's make another test:

-"My Lai massacre" (about the events of 1968) - there are 279 articles."my+lai+massacre"+site%3Acnn .com

-"Samashki massacre" - now it's, and of course, 0 articles (despite 1995 having been already in the era of the Internet, when was already online)."samashki+massacre"+site%3Ac

It seems to me that "the international Western media machine" is rather busy "churning out anti-American propaganda 24/7" and ignoring Russia, no?


Yeah, what is happening in those places? Who do you think is sponsoring all that Islamic terrorism directed against Russia? You don't seem to get the point that there's *single unipolar, hegemonic superpower* in the world today that spends more on it's military than the next 14 (it's actually 14, not 9) countries combined. Any ideas who that country might be? You are really clueless if you don't know who is pulling the strings in the world today. Russia is a country under siege. US sponsors terrorism against it, has an enormous 5th column inside the country, buying people off right and left with unlimited dollars to spend (they recently offered a Russian counter-terrorism agent 1 million/year to betray his country on tape - why would the US be buying counter-terrorism agents if it's not involved with facilitating terrorist acts inside the country? We are supposed to be on the same side of that deal, but the US will resort to the filthiest of dirty tricks to get it's way), and NATO is continually encroaching on it's territory. This is all about getting Russia to surrender it's sovereignty to the Anglo-American empire. And if you think that you'll be better off when that happens, you're way off base. Power will be consolidated into the hands of a handful of psychopathic elites with absolute power. Russia's sovereignty is vitally needed by the world and all enlightened people in it (of which you sadly are not one). You have a typical fragile male ego, do you realize that? You misguidedly identify with a corrupt government that despises it's own people and is at war against you. Constructive criticism is the highest duty of a patriot who loves his country - not blind devotion and ignorance. Russia is a better American patriot than you are.

Leave the gun, take the cannoli...


Yeah, what is happening in those places?

An unreported armed conflict that officially doesn't exist.

Things like that (just today, and actually reported on CNN in rare interest solely due to the upcoming Sochi mayhem):

Who do you think is sponsoring all that Islamic terrorism directed against Russia?

North Caucasus alcohol sellers (or else the're bombed/firebombed, or even just shot in some cases), and especially local government officials (to be exempted from assassination lists), extorted through a local form of the "revolutionary tax" thing. Russia Today didn't tell you this, right? Of course they didn't, after all "nothing's happening" there.

Also, by their local and diaspora supporters on voluntary basis. It used to be the Middle East "charities", too, but for many years now they have many more much more interesting conflicts instead (with "interesting" being located inside or close to the Arab World).

You don't seem to get the point that there's *single unipolar, hegemonic superpower* in the world today


You are really clueless if you don't know who is pulling the strings in the world today. Russia is a country under siege.

Russia is a country ruled by ex-KGB mafia, currently reaping out the fruits of hundreds of years of imperialism, colonialism and genocide in the North Caucasus and elsewhere.

US sponsors terrorism against it, has an enormous 5th column inside the country, buying people off right and left with unlimited dollars to spend

Actually, Americans co-operate with Russian secret services closely and even offer $5 million for Umarov.

And during the Chechen war of independence 1994-96, the bankrupt Moscow regime's brutal (and blundering) military offensive was directly sponsored by American taxpayer money, while Clinton publicly defended Yelstin by comparing him to Lincoln and the war to the American Civil War, in a "good guys vs bad guys" narrative of which: And it really was sponsoring (state) terrorism alright.

You have a typical fragile male ego, do you realize that?

Whatever is "a typical fragile male ego"? Are you a feminist or something?

You misguidedly identify with a corrupt government that despises it's own people and is at war against you.

Uh-oh, someone's projecting.

Constructive criticism is the highest duty of a patriot who loves his country - not blind devotion and ignorance. Russia is a better American patriot than you are.

I skipped the rest of the crazy talk, but just one thing: I've never even try to be an "American patriot". Mostly because I'm just not an American.

But it's just great if Lt.-Col. Putin's chekist gang is a group of such great American patriots. Hey, maybe Yelstin too was really Lincoln reincarnated.


So according to you, the US isn't involved in attempting to overthrow the Russian government and replace it with a Western-controlled puppet government as with all the other CIA-sponsored "color revolutions" in the region? The US isn't sponsoring Islamic terrorism against Russia?

US-Backed Islamic Terrorism: Dividing the Arab World, Weakening Russia and China - weakening-russia-and-china/5365020

Sounds like you got that steaming pile of disinfo straight out of CIA headquarters. Well, fewer and fewer people believe that crap anymore, thanks to the internet and decentralized news media.

"Fragile male ego" - as in, taking criticism of your country as a personal insult. Inability to evaluate criticism fairly due to your ego getting in the way.

Leave the gun, take the cannoli...


Yes, and welcome to the real world. The naiive Americans still believe in how the murderous Russian gangsters want and can be friends if you're friendly enough to them, which was most recently most evident with this "reset" bullsh*t.

Now try to not believe any random wacko (like "Olga Shedrova") on the internet.

Oh, and my country is not America.


"My country is Poland" - strange way of putting it. Does that mean you're an American "working" in Poland? Or are you a Pole working for Uncle Sam? If a Pole not working for Uncle Sam, then why are you so keen on America's foreign policy (an attitude not exactly representative of Poles in general), complaining about hearing too many torture stories? Is that subject not important enough for you? How do you think you'd feel if your family been victims of torture? You don't happen to work in one of those secret US rendition prisons which have been reported to operate in Poland, do you?

Leave the gun, take the cannoli...


Which means my country is not America, and I'm not an American. Which I already told you so,

I skipped the rest of the crazy talk, but just one thing: I've never even try to be an "American patriot". Mostly because I'm just not an American.

But it's just great if Lt.-Col. Putin's chekist gang is a group of such great American patriots. Hey, maybe Yelstin too was really Lincoln reincarnated.

but you ignored this completely and went on with "you filthy American capitalist pig-dog" narrative.

Actually, my family were victims of chekist torture. And so I "feel" alright, thank you very much for your concern.


"Russia ended its counter-terrorism operations".

Oh yeah, the "counter-terrorism operations" lol. Guess the world now should express gratitude Russia at least stopped a couple steps short of full blown genocide in Chechnya; mighty thoughtful of them.

"NATO is continually encroaching its territory".

That`s a good thing - and it`s none of Russia`s business, really; being paranoid and irrational`s their own problem and something they need to sort out by themselves. Meanwhile, the hopefully further expanding NATO at least guarantees there will be, for instance, no acts of "liberation" by Russia in their close vicinity - like the "liberations" they performed in nearly half of Europe by the end of WW2.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I suppose you have never heard of the Monroe Doctrine then.

Leave Russia alone and it won't start another nuclear standoff. Unfortunately with people like you and the US government which basically operates and thinks with your kind of simplistic mentality, that's really likely to happen.

The US seems intent on starting a confrontation with both Russia and China. Which is pretty stupid.

But what would anyone expect from someone who idolizes the war criminal Reagan.


Mighty kind of them, not starting "nuclear standoffs" and all.

But it's really simple though - as long as Russia keeps its dirty little mitts off Ukraine (as well as its other neighbours), there will be no confrontation of any kind. However, there absolutely needs to be a credible military threat so they'll think twice before pulling any further sh-t; what West needs to understand is that Russia is not to be handled with silk gloves. It'll only encourage them to take liberties.

PS: If the above post is a reply to mine, then you've got more than one thing terribly wrong there.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


There are so many films about WWII, but rape by American soldiers is only addressed about Vietnam. According to documentaries and movies, the only soldiers in WWII that raped women were German, Russian, or Japanese.


Maximus Decimus Meridius


Not true at at all. For example: The Dirty Dozen.

