Rapes in the Vietnam war

I recently read a book called "Kill anything that moves" by Nick Turse. In it he describes based on facts how rapes were a daily occurrence committed by many US military units.

Rapes were committed systematically and there could be dozens of rapes committed by single US military units in a short period of time. Often very young children were raped. Rapes of Vietnamese civilians rarely lead to any type of investigations let alone convictions of the US rapists.

Link to an article about the book.

http://www.truthdig.com/arts_culture/item/kill_anything_that_moves_201 30312

Case after case in his book makes it painfully clear that soldiers and Marines deliberately maimed, abused, beat, tortured, raped, wounded or killed hundreds of thousands of unarmed civilians, including children, with impunity. Troops engaged in routine acts of sadistic violence usually associated with demented Nazi concentration camp guards.


These rapes of even young children by groups of US soldiers did happen in Vietnam.


Not surprising.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.
