worthless disgusting subhuman rapists
The real scum who did this...i refuse to call them
Soldiers...are the most disgusting excuses for
Humans ive ever heard of..im glad their real names
Were released ...hopefully if they are still crawling
around on this earth..they are in a lot of pain and
suffering because karma is a bitch...everyone read
the real names on wiki . 90 %of the world is full of
rapists, cruel murderers, pedophiles, liars and cheats
Im ashamed to live in this time. That was another
time and there is no excuse, im glad these sub-
human sacks of cockroach cum were kicked out
of the army and disgraced. They are a disgrace
to real soldiers who fought bravely in vietnam.
One day and in one afterlife they will pay for what
they did and their pain will far exceed what they
caused that poor girl. It will be brutal and endless
their torment. I will celebrate that day. This film is
a masterpiece, DePalma is a genius, and one of
the best directors in history.
Now everyone go out and get some more tattoos
on their ass. Real Class is gone. Yes, i mean you girls.