Sorry to say, but this film was absolutely terrible..
I know it is well-loved by many..but IMO this wasn't funny at all. Nor was it remotely original or clever. Socrates "sands in the hourglass" line and the 69 line got a bit of a chuckle from me..but thats it. I know it wasn't designed to be taken seriously in any way...but this is bad on all levels.
The premise about kidnapping historical figures so they can pass a school assignment???...Umm okay. Won't ask who came up with that. Also Keanu and alex are way too over-the-top and hyper for me to even care about them, much less find them funny. In fact the whole film feels forced and desperate. Like they were shooting in a hurry. Stephen herek would get better over time as a director..but he was off his game here.
Also where did they get all the actors who played the historical figures anyway?. Not only were they crap, some looked nothing like their counterparts (Billy the kid and Joan of arc were two good examples). Looks like they got them all at half price from some crumby third-rate San dimas theatre company.
Anyway here are some moments from the film, that some people concieve as funny.
Abraham lincoln yelling "Party on dudes"............Fail
Napoleon going to a waterpark.............Fail
Joan of arc taking over a tai-bo class......Fail
Bill's "Royal ugly dudes" reference.........Fail
Napoleon being serenaded at a fast food place......Fail
Hot chick being married to Bills dad.......Fail
Sorry but this film falls flat
But I did think Bill and teds bogus journey was very funny and made up for a lot of this films mistakes. Keanu and Alex were much funnier (william sadler too)and the film benefitted from having a director who knew to make comedies. Its what this film should have been...but sadly wasn't. Anyhow there is my review.
P.S....If I was at a fast food place and the employee's came over to me and starting singing "Ziggy piggy ziggy piggy"..I would punch one of them out. The embarrassment would be too much.