I miss the 80s
....I really do.
You're not alone.
shareThis film always felt more 90s to me despite being filmed back in 1987.
Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel
1989 was very close to 1990s in feeling.
I think the best "1980s-feeling" happened somewhere between 1977 and 1987. After that, the 'feel' became somehow 'harder' and 'colder' and perhaps 'darker' (you can even see this in movies - 1985 and 1986 movies were still colorful and bright, 1987 some shift starts happening, and 1988 and 1989 already have some movies that are very dark, depressing, gloomy, etc. exactly like the 1990s would demand).
But isn't it a bit redundant to say you miss the eighties?
I mean, whyever would anyone NOT miss the most energetic, glorious, uplifting, euphoric, and energetically and atmospherically the most sparkling and best era that has happened since the 1920s?
Though I want to admit that many other eras were very interesting and energetic, harmonious and atmospheric as well. The eighties wasn't perhaps quite as harmonic as earlier 1960s, for example - I mean, the 'aroma of the energy' was different, perhaps moving a bit slower in 1960s, and more 'explosive and sparkling' in the eighties.
I think it's amazing, how every era before the zeroes (a reset?) had a distinct 'personality' and aroma. When you just mention 1920s, '30s, '40s or '50s, you get a completely different 'feel' for every era, and can instantly conjure up the proper images in your mind, as to what people wore, what the attitudes were, what big things were happening, and what the atmosphere was like.
1960s was a very big and colorful feeling-change from the 1950s, that was a bit milder energy, and a bit more 'pale', perhaps, and less powerful, but still resonating with the turmoil of the after-war years, and having that undercurrent of 'change' all over the place.
1960s began many different channels of energy flows and had almost tangible 'atmospheres' during its different years, and places. It was like a constantly pulsating color-harmony-energy, that was only torn by the awful atrocities that were committed especially closer to its end, and the beginning of seventies.
1970s was already a bit 'torn' and yet somewhat more 'conformist' and 'calmer' in its 'feel', besides being dragged down by the wars and other such things. But far away from those wars, there was still a possibility for a very nice 'cosy' or 'homelike' harmony-energy that you can feel from many productions that were filmed during that era.
It was only closer to the eighties that something mystical and cosmic started happening again - early-to-middle-seventies were relatively mundane by comparison (though 'arguably' the best fusion jazz and progressive rock was composed and recorded during that era).
In some ways, I guess one could say that the 'eighties feel' that any rational human being (that can still feel, or at least remember the feel of) that were able to live through it will always* miss, began already in the late seventies.
I'd say that 1977 was the first year of that 'feel' - it's not a coincidence that some very inspired productions were made during 1977-1983.
I think 1983 was another great 'energy year', having the 'homely harmony' of the seventies, but also the 'bright, blasting, sparkling energy' of the eighties, mixed with some 'cosmic/mystical feel' that almost reaches the astral plane in its expansive and uplifting effect, that makes one experience reality deeper than usually.
Music became a lot simpler, the masses no longer could appreciate the more complex energy of the seventies music, but what was lost 'intellectually' or 'structurally', was gained in glorious, euphoric energy - just pure inner-light-euphoria, for the lack of any terminology (I am struggling without proper words to express what I mean).
After being caressed by this energy for so many years, when it started suddenly leaving in late 1987, and becoming the colder, harsher, downpushing, dark and miserable horror-feel of the nineties through 1988 and 1989, I can understand how some people can say that this movie feels more 1990s than 1980s movie - as indeed, 'energy-wise', it is.
Still, a fun movie, with an impossible plot (not because time travel would be impossible, but because the whole 'Rufus has no reason to start the plot if the world already exists in a good form', and 'Two hours limitation shouldn't exist' thing).
This movie doesn't have the 'best eighties feel', but it still has a little bit of that sparkle left, and it is a fun movie regardless - and although it becomes awfully silly, it's still entertaining and easy to watch. It's almost never boring, and that's always a good thing.
In any case, in my opinion, the early eighties (1977-1985) had the best 'feel' - 1986 was still good, 1987 a bit less good.. but if I had the choice, I wouldn't want to re-live the years 1988 or 1989, as they were already kind of 'cold, dark, stale, etc.' (very hard to describe what I mean - english doesn't have the words). I'd much rather live 1978 and 1979 than 1988 and 1989. I consider those the 'trash years' of the decade. Everything became crappier and very 'nineties'-like back then.
Only a few gems escaped the curse of '88 and '89, and this is one of those lucky movies.
If I had a time machine, I'd arrange a loop from 1976 to 1986 and just live that decade over and over again until this body stops functioning and I am free.
But haven't found or invented one just yet.. at least in this time(line).
1989 was very close to 1990s in feeling.
I think the best "1980s-feeling" happened somewhere between 1977 and 1987. After that, the 'feel' became somehow 'harder' and 'colder' and perhaps 'darker' (you can even see this in movies - 1985 and 1986 movies were still colorful and bright, 1987 some shift starts happening, and 1988 and 1989 already have some movies that are very dark, depressing, gloomy, etc. exactly like the 1990s would demand).
"If I had a time machine, I'd arrange a loop from 1976 to 1986 and just live that decade over and over again until this body stops functioning and I am free."
I could totally live like that. Technology was booming (everyone knew personal robots were just around the corner), the future looked bright (aside from the threat of nuclear destruction), music and movies were fun and lighthearted reflections of the attitudes prevalent at the time. I was still pretty young, reached my teens in the nineties, but I stayed stuck in the eighties.
Oh god me too :(