'Pop it tommy, pop it!!!'

This film makes the Godfather look like the wild thonberry movie. It is simply Awe-inspiring. The true realism behind Eric Roberts acting in the scene when coach couzo unbelievebly refutes to let him go and see his dieng son is an honest peice of cinematic genius.The only true travisty regarding this film is that Eric Roberts did not win an oscar for his gripping performance.

Also we must recognise Phillip Rhee's blatantly obvious acting talent. In a somewhat understated carear this surley was his finest hour. However if only forhis role in this film Rhee can rest among the greats such with Bruce Lee's role in Enter the Dragon and Jean-Claude Van Dammes role in Universal Soldier II; The Return.

Special Mention For the holarious Karate cowboy 'Travis Brikley' plyaed by the late Chriss Penn. Rest in peace me old mucker and we had a curry in your honour on the day of your unfortunate death. Mabye we could reunite the crew in one last stand-off against Dee Hann to avenge his death



Why do people think sarcasm is the highest order of humor? Just tell it how it is, Eric Roberts stank balls in this film, yet the film is still enjoyable because of it. Done, easy.



This film makes the Godfather look like the wild thonberry movie

That is, hands down, the funniest thing I have ever read on imdb. No contest


This movie is one of the funniest movies ive ever seen. They should re-release it as a comedy.


notorius's post is extremely accurate, I couldn't agree more with it. Eric Roberts easily deserved an oscar for his emotional performance.


This line uttered by Roberts was probably the cheesiest line I ever heard and the delivery was God awful.


I can hold him off for 30 seconds..tape it UH-UH-UP!

So 8 5 1/4" floppys hold the key to time travel? - Tom Servo


The part where Walter is learning to ride his bike and he says something along the lines of "look dad! i'm doing it!" and Roberts says "I know...I know" with that look on his face. Hilarious. I can't lie. I like this movie, especially the ending. My boyfriend had never seen it and it was fun to watch it with him and laugh.


I forgot about that look..OMG that is great.
I have to rent this movie

So 8 5 1/4" floppys hold the key to time travel? - Tom Servo


That look is genius, I can actually replay it in my mind. That big 80's sweater hanging off his shoulder

I seriously love this film, not even being sarcastic.. Brilliant fun to watch with a cold beer. And the final scene still makes me laugh out loud to this day.


despite this movie offering great comic relief, there were actually a few touching scenes...
Watching Dae Han rise to his feet, and stand there, waiting to be finished, and Tommy didn't do it..I was touched..and then at the end, when he limped over and gave him his medal and the speech about being his brother...good stuff.

He should've armed himself, if he's going to decorate his saloon with my friend.


I agree. I admit I like a lot of movies people call "high brow", but this little movie was vastly underrated. Roberts gave a fantastic performance.


Comparing it to the Godfather is a bit extreme...lol but I do agree that this was a good film. Eric Roberts is a great actor. What hurt him and the film in certain parts was the corny lines. Even a good actor can't pull a scene off if the script just isn't real enough. Overall it is a good story. Watching Rhee fight in the end is amazing...and Roberts in my opinion redeemed himself of any previously bad lines with his performance in the end (the shoulder scene). Miss you Chris Penn!


This movie is hard to find.

Here lies Les Moore-two slugs from a .44 - No less no more.


I stopped looking for movies older then 10 years in the stores because I can never find what I'm looking for. Order it on Amazon.com! :-)



Seriously though, this film had better acting than most martial arts films of the 80's. Eric Roberts is a pretty talented actor. He might not have showed it in this film, but that "lion's mane" hair of his rocked.

"Hot Cocoa won't help, Mom!"-Charlie~FRIGHT NIGHT


The mockery here would be a little more poignant and scathing if your post wasn't filled to the absolute brim with spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. Piece of *beep*


Just finished watching the dvd of best of the best that i bought on the weekend. I loved this movie when i was a kid and it's still great to watch. Shame about the crappy dvd though.the sound was terrible aswell. Any one else notice that?


~ I just finished watching this movie. I loved it alot.That should popping scene was great & strong.



"I’ll earn your trust back
somehow.It’s my final act

-Edward Cullen from New Moon


I think people are just too critical, this movie was awesome to the effect that it only contained some of the best martial arts sequences that i have seen in years it also is based on a true story. Heart gripping ending fer sure.


Actually, the arm popping scene's acting was highly realistic, including the high pitched whine of someone in a lot of pain.

I mean, yeah, the acting was generally bad.. But this scene was realistic.


I agree.

It's one of the best scenes in any martial arts film and HIGHLY realistic.

If anyone ever watched a real fight (or even a WWE match live) where the athlete gets injuried for real, they react EXACTLY the way Roberts does in this film. No joke.

Did you see when Kevin Nash tore his ACL in that live match and went down screaming like a little girl? Triple H incurred the same injury but being the uber-bada$$ that he is actually continued on for several more minutes in "unbearable" pain to finish the match.


This film makes the Godfather look like the wild thonberry movie

weren't those both directed by Coppola?


I agree with the OP 100.00%. I just watched this movie for the first time in YEARS and that scene with Eric Robert's shoulder injury was legit all the way!! Really made me feel for the character and what he was going through. I felt the characters emotion, i felt his pain, etc.

Even though his rep in hollywood might be long gone(blacklisted?), he is still a Good actor and scenes like this proves it. Hell, every scene with Roberts in this movie was noteworthy.

Futhermore, even though Robert's "fighting style" in this movie was complete fluff, he still made it look GOOD. Go back and watch the movie....i don't think any known style has the stances he used. It was completly made-up. If anyone else used those stances, they'd look stupid. Eric Roberts however, SOLD IT all the way and looked GOOD. At no point can you say that character didn't look confident in his movements.


Agree 200%, maybe more. Not just Eric Roberts, but the entire cast should have won Oscars. Oscar Meyer, as you may know, represents the Best of the Best of luncheon meats, no small feat.
