Is the cheesiest, corniest movie ever?
I've watched a lot of cheesy horror and martial arts movies, but this beats them all with the attempts at humor, the silly characters, the horrible acting and the over-the-top emotional scenes that for some reason made me teary eyed even as I was thinking how stupid it was
The whole thing was so hilariously awful that I find myself liking the movie in spite of everything.
I usually like Eric Roberts and think he's underrated as an actor, but my God, his performance here was cringe-worthy. Every time he cried, I cringed, and he cried a lot
And I really burst out laughing each time that cheesy "eastern music" started up whenever Sally Kirkland's character was talking. Her character was even worse than Roberts' acting.
The ending was so cheesy that I was laughing, yet I had a lump in my throat too. Weird
Anyway, as a martial arts movie it sucks. The only good fight was the one between the Rhee brothers, but as an over-the-top, cheesy, unintentionally hilarious yet "tugs at your heart strings" movie, I certainly enjoyed it.
Very good. But brick not hit back!share