1. The ACTOR has 2 good eyes. Strange to make him wear a patch during his own stunts, as this would make things difficult for the actor.
2. I find SAGAT in the Street Fighter games unrealistic for similar reasons.
3. It is a big MYTH that you do not have depth perception with only one eye. A bigger problem is PERIPHERAL vision. if a kick or punch is coming at you from whatever side of your body lacks an eye it is harder to notice than if you have 2 good eyes. You DO have depth perception with only one eye. Maybe it is not quite as good as with 2 but its a big myth that you have NO depth perception. I had an eye injury once (no permanent damage my eye healed perfectly) but for a few days I had to wear a patch so my eye could rest and heal and I could still drive my car and do other things I did in life (though I did not do any martial arts fights). I still had depth perception and could tell what was closer or farther.