MovieChat Forums > Best of the Best (1989) Discussion > DAE HAN - No Depth Perception?

DAE HAN - No Depth Perception?

If he only has vision in one eye how can he be a capable fighter?

With no depth perception how can he judge far away his opponent is? It would be very difficult for him to connect his punches and kicks with his opponent, and even more difficult to dodge his opponent's attacks.

I understand the eye-patch is supposed to make him look bad @$$, but the character's flawed vision would make him a flawed fighter.


I agree 100%. It'd be very difficult for him, but hey it's the movies, things need to be dramatised lol.


1. The ACTOR has 2 good eyes. Strange to make him wear a patch during his own stunts, as this would make things difficult for the actor.

2. I find SAGAT in the Street Fighter games unrealistic for similar reasons.

3. It is a big MYTH that you do not have depth perception with only one eye. A bigger problem is PERIPHERAL vision. if a kick or punch is coming at you from whatever side of your body lacks an eye it is harder to notice than if you have 2 good eyes. You DO have depth perception with only one eye. Maybe it is not quite as good as with 2 but its a big myth that you have NO depth perception. I had an eye injury once (no permanent damage my eye healed perfectly) but for a few days I had to wear a patch so my eye could rest and heal and I could still drive my car and do other things I did in life (though I did not do any martial arts fights). I still had depth perception and could tell what was closer or farther.


This is a movie ffs not a documentary.
