MovieChat Forums > Best of the Best (1989) Discussion > Please explain the Ending Scene

Please explain the Ending Scene

At the end, Korea had 33, USA had 32 score.
Commentator said that USA could win with a knockout. Of course Tommy wanted to end Dae Han, but he didn't have to. USA could have still won if Tommy kicked him in the leg or ... actually just knocked him out.

Why didn't he do this? That way, USA could have won and Tommy still would have spared him. My guess is that it's so it makes it more dramatic for the final scene after, but maybe I'm missing something in the way the tournament works -- some small detail of point scoring.

IMDB has no separation between the post and the signature, so you're force to read this every time.


Dae Han was literally dead on his feet. Tommy could have just pushed him over or swept his legs, but Tommy didn't trust himself to make an appropriate move that would have won the tournament without permanently injuring or killing Dae Han. You see Tommy setting up for the same kick that he used to send Virgil flying through the air. That's why Alex and Coach Cuzo were yelling at him to stop. While Tommy was having this moral dilemma time ran out. Dae Han realized this mercy and knew Tommy could have easily killed him. It is more dramatic, and I think more powerful.


Good response, Buddha9! I was trying to explain something similar in the other thread asking the same question but your explanation is much better, methinks.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


Thanks! This is one of my favorites. I must have watched it a thousand times, and I'm man enough to admit I still get a little misty with Dae Han's speech at the end. *LOL


Ha ha, nothing wrong with that. It was a very good ending.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


Ha! Me too bro. No shame. It's a baller scene

~~~"Who do you think you're dealing with? Guess again."~~~


No. Can't buy the nonsensical feel-good ending. Just hit Dae Han lightly or knock him down a couple of times. Spare his life, win the match, show the world that Americans are the best and classy. Win-win-win situation. Drop the mike.


Snow ur an idiot the scene was more powerful the way it was played out. If the Americans won the ending would be very *beep* Losing separates this movie from the rest.


They somewhat beat each other half dead with an ineffective martial arts style and there were no referees to stop the fight before someone actually dies (as if it was some kind of cheesy 80's illegal underground fighting tournament), so the movie needed a dramatic and sentimental ending.
