

The kid's parents weren't killed. They were just a victim of a mugging.


I think it's implied that Joker's gas is usually lethal. I don't think the people at the parade all died; Batman got the balloons away fast enough. "In real life" is tricky because the gas isn't identified. So, if your question is whether or not you could kill a bunch of people with gas, the answer is yes. But the details might need to change (for instance: how long between the gas attack and Joker entering the museum to allow for dispersal and safe entry).

Batman arrives when he arrives. He must have pulled up outside the art gallery, grapnel-gunned up to the roof, and dropped in. He likely used the roof for the theatricality - to scare the daylights out of Joker's goons and stunt their reaction time by maximizing the element of surprise.

The guy fighting Batman was just a Joker henchman. He was just crazy strong. Batman is a powerful adversary because of his physique, training/intellect, and gadgets, but he isn't necessarily the strongest opponent out there. This guy was actually just stronger. Burton also had a concept that Batman's use of the suit for intimidation was partially to cover that he wasn't the biggest dude out there.

The kid at the beginning was a random mugging. It mirrors Batman's own origin. The guy could have died from it, I suppose, if he hit his head right (or wrong) when falling. Was he confirmed dead? It's been awhile since I've seen the picture.

I don't think it was Jack/Joker. Could've been independent muggers, or maybe they were associated with the mob that Joker worked for. I kinda doubt it. They seemed too penny-ante.


I thought that was Batman’s parents. I thought the guy shot both his mother and father ?

It’s well known that the joker did not in fact kill his parents although many people think he did .

I also think releasing a bunch of gas outside won’t do much as gas is lighter than air and would just float away.

Just my thoughts


Uh, well in this film Joker does, yeah. Comic book-wise it's Joe Chill.

In this movie Bruce's parents are gunned down in flashback in the middle of the movie. I thought you were talking about the mugging at the beginning...?

Well, this movie doesn't go by "real world" logic. That said, gas attacks have been used in outdoor warfare, so there must be some use to releasing it outside.


Hmmm most quite


1. Yes they really died, the Joker in this movie has an incredibly high body count. It's also a fictitious gas, I'm guessing he synthesized it at the Axis Chemical factory

2. I'm guessing he didn't get there fast enough

3. One of the Joker's thugs and apparently he is that strong. Indiana Jones goes through the same thing it seems, he gets in a fight with Pat Roach and is getting his ass kicked until he's accidentally saved at the last second and Pat Roach dies very very badly (chopped up by propeller blades, crushed feet first)

4. The kid's father didn't die, he just got knocked out, the mother was clearly alive. This was meant to parallel what happened to Bruce except his parents really did die. No the Joker had nothing to do with it, it was a random street thug.


Ok But, you would think thought they would show what really happened to Batman's Parents in the beginning instead of some random mugging at the beginning. These Batman movies today are Horrible!


They wanted us to get to know Bruce first before we found out his tragic backstory. In this case it was effective. In fact the scene where Bruce's parents get shot is the ONE thing Burton did better than Nolan.


Well how come then Batman didn't protect the random couple in the beginning? Is that he can't be everywhere at once? And then did Batman see what the Muggers did? And he was just watching?


Maybe he was too late? Maybe he saw them from a distance and wasn’t in a position to do anything? Maybe he heard about the mugging and through his prior detective skills figured out it was these guys
