Misheard lines?

Anyone ever mishear some lines from this movie? Here are two of mine:


Marty: "You're the doc, Doc."
Doc: "Here's our exit!"


Marty: "You're the doc, Doc."
Doc: "Tis I!"


Biff: "You wanna take a puck at me?"


Biff: "You wanna take a *beep* at me?"

Mark Moore

The Unofficial Captain N Home Page
Online since 02/27/97



Take a "puck" at me?!?





This is about 1 not 2 but for the longest time before DVD came out and I'd only seen them on video, I could never tell if Marty was saying Red or "rad" when he gets back to 1985.

Also, what that old woman shouts in the car when she sees Marty in the radiation suit always sounded gibberish. Even now with the subtitles it doesn't sound like what she actually says to me.

But this thread reminds me of a relative of mine who when we watched part 3, and Marty says "A bear ate my boots", always thought it was "I buried my boots". Why the hell would he bury his boots?


He's saying "Red" in reference to the homeless man.

He says the same thing in Part II, when he bumps into him in the alternate 1985.


I always thought he said "I buried my boots" too. Why would he do that? I suppose a bear ate his boots makes more sense.


I still don't understand what that old woman's saying even now. The words don't seem to match what the subtitles are saying.


I'm pretty sure the line is, "You wanna take a poke at me?", that's an actual expression that people say.

Nobody has ever said what you think you heard.

Is English a second language for you?


Ah, so my friend (the *beep* guy, who I believed) and a classmate that watched it with me when I brought it in to Drama class (the "puck" guy) were both wrong.

Mark Moore

The Unofficial Captain N Home Page
Online since 02/27/97


But you see that, "wanna take a puck at me" makes zero sense, right?

Why would he say that?


Sometimes, it doesn't matter if things make sense or not. You hear what you hear. Here's an example of closed captions lyrics for "Danger Zone" that actually aired on TV:

"Ready with your engine
Listen to the lives you hold
Heavy on the truth
Heading through the tracks of gold
Highway through the danger zone
Highway through the danger zone"

Besides, when my classmate said it was "puck", I simply assumed "puck" was "slang" for "swing" or "sucker punch" or something like that. When you hear something that doesn't make immediate sense, your brain can come up with a meaning.

Mark Moore

The Unofficial Captain N Home Page
Online since 02/27/97


If you say so...

Just kinda seems like, when Zemeckis wrote the movie, he wrote actual dialogue for his characters to say, instead of nonsense, for the viewer's brains to figure out for themselves. But keep on imagining that they say take a puck at me, in a major Hollywood motion picture. I can't agree with your PoV, though. You just seem like you're reaching.


Hey Bob,

I think from what you typed, you are taking a big leap and reaching here. This quote has been joked about since the release of the movie. It has been purposefully misquoted by many as a joke, because how it came out of the actor on film isn't clear - if you only catch it just briefly, it CAN sound like that. Relax a little bit. You're putting words into the poster's mouth - he never said anything about Zemeckis writing nonsense - it was an honest question and you answer it with such disdain. Who do you really think you are? I'm willing to bet you wouldn't say that to someone's face - or maybe you would and you are just as unintelligent and ignorant as your post.

Everyone who can do without your negative BS. Have a nice day!


I like mishearing things like song lyrics, especially since what I misheard sounds cooler than any actual lyrics or dialogue, lol.
And I like the puck part - it'd make more sense for a character, quirky too, if they said something like that which doesn't quite ring true with the brainless zombies of today and only make sense if it makes sense (that is, not being creative or actually understanding or learning something rather than just matching it up with someone u already heard).

I never think about the future, it comes soon enough


I don't know every slang term in the book so if I heard "puck" I probably would have thought the same thing. That it was just some slang. It doesn't have to make sense. Most slang doesn't. Just like how saying "she's bad" now means incredibly good looking, or "that's sick" means awesome. None of that makes sense but it still exists. But to get back to your original post I don't think I've misheard anything in the BTTF movies. I do all the time with songs though and plenty of other films.


Growing up, I thought the two Jennifers were saying "IRMA!!!" when they saw each other and fainted.

When Marty told Doc he had the Almanac in his hand after stealing it back from Biff and Doc said "Burn it!", I thought he was saying "Affirmative!".


When Marty identifies the Bum as "Red," I originally thought he had murmured, "I'm back!"

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)
