Filming Locations
I had the pleasure of visiting some of the filming locations from this movie, it was quite fun and also, rare because a lot of the other locations we visited have been visited already millions of times, so these locations stuck out for me.
The Amityville House
A facade was added for the movie, much like the first 3 films. The house pretty much looks the same on the outside, minus the stuff they added on for the movie. I never got a chance to go in, I did try, but no luck getting in touch with anyone who could help before we got to CA. I assume the inside looks the same because 1) I found out it was a historical landmark and 2) When I looked at my photos afterwards, I noticed the shades in the windows were the same ones you see in the movie when the priests are blessing the house.
The Hospital
Unfortunately, the hospital was ruined in an earthquake and has been rebuilt. I don't think it looks anything like it did in the movie, so there was really no point in visiting.
Helen Royce's Home
This was one of those locations I had to have help finding. Two good Facebook friends of mine - one is a fan of this movie, the other is a fan of visiting locations - helped me find this one. The house generally looks the same on the outside. The funny thing is, is that her house is supposed to be in NY. While they never show her neighbors house (it's out of frame), it would be so obvious they're not in NY because of the plants and trees growing in the neighbors yard. Trick photography at it's best!
Alice Leacock's House (Exterior)
We tried to go to this one, we drove over an hour before realizing that the GPS misheard the address and took is in the opposite direction. So unfortunately, we never made it. Maybe next time! I should note that the back of the house in the movie is not the back of the house you see throughout the film. There's no cliff or ocean behind the house at all.
Alice Leacock's House (Back Exterior)
We never made it to this location, however, it was another location that a friend helped me find - he'd actually been there before and recognized it, but not because it's a filming location, the beach is actually a hot spot in the summer. The house we see as the back, at the top of the cliff, was a complete facade and built only for the film, and removed after filming wrapped. The cliff is at Paradise Cove. The gate along the cliff is still there (could be newer/replaced) and apparently there's a trailer park up there the the fake house was built around.
Alice Leacock's House (Interiors)
We did manage to see this location and tour the house for 2+ hours. I found the owner of the house on Facebook and she was very nice and welcomed us into the house while we were visiting CA. It was a ton of fun. Most of the interior was used in the film - the attic was a set in the movie, the real attic looks nothing like it does in the film. Also, the stairs going to the attic were made for the film - there are no stairs at the end of the hallway, instead, there's a door to another small room. Also, the basement in the movie was a set - the real basement looks nothing like the film version. It should also be noted that the house really is haunted, which made the whole experience more interesting. You can check out the facebook page adn wesbite for the house at the following links -
The High School
The HS that the kids attend is actually John Marshall High School and has been used in a number of films, including - Bachelor Party, A Nightmare On Elm Street (1980) and Pretty In Pink. We did get to visit this one, it was pretty cool!
Nancy's College
The college that Nancy is attending is actually a film institute in reality. We did drive by, but it seemed like it had a security booth to get in, and we figured they probably wouldn't let us in, so continued driving.
No Accidents. No Coincidences. No Escapes. You Can't Cheat Death. - FINAL DESTINATION 5