MovieChat Forums > Always (1989) Discussion > Since when can Ghosts cast a shadow?

Since when can Ghosts cast a shadow?

I cant help it everytime I see the scene where Pete (Dreyfuss) tilts his head crying against the cassette recorder. His whole head casts a shadow over the recorder, and you can also see his heads reflection in one shot too.


TRANSFORMERS were not real either.
it's JUST a movie.
The STORY is not affected by whether you can or can not see his shadow and it is therefore not important.

Unlike TODAYS movies where THOSE type of details ARE important, even more important than an INTERESTING story.


stazza - thanks for the caps

o.p. - I agree that sometimes it would be nice to see the extra work put in to eliminate shadows on 'ghosts' in movies such as this. that said, it was 89 and higher quality cgi was just being brought into the mainstream (jurassic park still amazes me to this day, what with how early on it was for computer creatures). Aside from computer intervention, there are lighting techniques a director and crew could do and have done in movies to eliminate shadows for artistic purposes, I think they may have done it (or at least avoided doing shots of the character(s)' shadows) in City of Angels while on the beach while Cage is still an angel, but then they emphasize his shadows when he turns mortal. this might all be in my minds eye, for we will all extract what we will from a film.

overall tho I don't mind when I see it b/c I know its not always easy hide shadows in some shots, dependent on light, environment, props, etc...


Why shouldn't ghosts cast shadows?

If we can see them, that means light is bouncing off something, so that means that they should cast shadows.



>>Why shouldn't ghosts cast shadows?

If we can see them, that means light is bouncing off something, so that means that they should cast shadows.


Ghosts, being disembodied Spirits, are not Physical in the same sense, therefore they would not cast Shadows. Whether Ghosts exists or not is another story.


How many ghosts have you met to know if they cast a shadow or not?


Who cares if he casted a shadow? Just enjoy the movie!


That's a good one Ken, I couldn't agree with you more.


Rick makes a good point in my book. If you can see it, you can see its reflection, and it should cast a shadow.

"There's poo in there" - Zack


If Ghost can't cast shadows, then should they also not reflect/block/refract light and therefore they should not show up on/in the film anyway!! ?? :)

In any case, they (the film makers)should take extra care when filming any scenes with a 'ghost' that goofs like shadows are removed and/or don't happen by using proper lighting.


PS: I've always loved the movie. I was too young at the time to worry about those silly little details. I just loved Holly Hunter, John Goodman, the dude from Jaws and AIRPLANES. BTW: I'm now a Commercial Pilot. My wife got her private Pilot's Licence but she stopped flying a few ago, private plane hire has just become expensive these days.


Ghosts casting shadows, is not a 'goof'. Unless you've actually SEEN a ghost, to know what it can or cannot do.


Guess they did not have the technology to remove the shadow. That I'm sure could be fixed now.


While this reply is quite late may I suggest that if one can put their hand into the resurrected body of Christs spear wound as Thomas did [hope he washed his hands before doing that] then you might have a point. What ever a so called GHOST is it certainly will not be as suggested by all the nutters who have lived to see one.

However I do grant that some manifestations to whcih science is not yet able to give an answer about may occur. If there are such things as other worldly dimensions or parallels then how about those having crossovers.

Picking up on such a potential flaw is only OKAY if there was an actual proved study of so called ghosts and suchlike as a reality.


This level of scientific inaccuracy is not acceptable in a fantasy movie.
