My favorite story

My favorite story in this film is the one where the girls meet the psychotic gas station man and his vicious attack dogs. I like it because of the way it ends. (I won't say why, though. If you've seen it I think you probably know.)


Ok I just watched that segment, and there wasn't really a shock ending to it.



I know, I'm just saying, that's why I really didn't like it :)



I also don't even remember this movie since I posted it in 2010, lmao! I'll have to rewatch...



I liked all the stories but my favorite was definitely "A Night on the Town" with the four girls. I thought it was a good but not great movie. Overall I'd rate it a 6/10

"What's dead should stay dead" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural




I think All Night Operator was my favorite. It was the most creepiest.

The one with the four girls was my second. I can't help to feel for poor Amy. In the context of the story, they were all teens, and Amy seemed to be the youngest(was like a child), and though she probably made the most stupidest decisions out of the four girls, it still was kinda sad seeing her mauled by the dogs.


I liked dark old house the best. The ending was hilarious. The frame story was OK too. I give it a 3.



I like The Old Dark House the best. And to Domsdad, I don't know what you mean by the frame story as there is no story called that and I don't get what story you could be calling that.... Also you said you would give the story a 3 that it was ok, well I think ok is better than a 3....


With these kinds of movies, where there are a series of vignettes, they are embedded within an overall story -- the frame story -- that's what I meant. If you like it better than a 3... great! Enjoy!


"All Night Operator" was my favorite of the three stories. It's definitely the most gripping and suspenseful of the bunch.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


A Night on the Town, aka the segment with the attack dogs, was definitely my favorite. Starred a couple Friday the 13th/Nightmare on Elm Street gals, too!

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here


"All Night Operator" was easily the best! It wasn't scary (nothing in this film was...)but I felt Operator was told in the best fashion.

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?
