Hate when people label the movie a box office flop. It was far from that. It definitely made less than what was hoped for.
I had two thoughts about why that was the case (excluding the superior Special Edition).I felt this way in 1989 and still do now.
1) The poster. It may seem lame but the one sheet was as dull as they come. Just the title with a blue background. The theatrical trailer and tv spots were great. But if you just showed up at a multiplex blind and looked at the poster it wouldn't inspire to spend your bucks on seeing it. Just bland, relying on Cameron's two-picture track record. Maybe some would scoff at the power of a good poster if the media ads are strong but I think it's essential - especially for an original story.
2) The release date. This one I think might be more debatable. June and July had some strong summer releases, headlined by Batman and Lethal Weapon 2. You could argue that if The Abyss were released closer to these two it could have been buried. That spring Batman ads were all over the place - the hype was in overdrive. Weapon had a following being a sequel to a popular film. But I think the earlier releases wore out the action/fantasy audience. By August, they'd had enough. I understand The Abyss was intended for a July 4th release but pushed back due to post-production issues. I think it would've been better served to have more summer weeks.
Regardless, I still think it's Cameron's best film and certainly the most admirable, courageous, ambitious and dangerous film shoot in history. And with that is this sidenote: Orson Scott Card's novel based on Cameron's script is a superb read. Highly recommended.
The poster. It may seem lame but the one sheet was as dull as they come. Just the title with a blue background. The theatrical trailer and tv spots were great. But if you just showed up at a multiplex blind and looked at the poster it wouldn't inspire to spend your bucks on seeing it. Just bland, relying on Cameron's two-picture track record. Maybe some would scoff at the power of a good poster if the media ads are strong but I think it's essential - especially for an original story.
Agreed. The US poster sucked, it was not imaginative or something that got your attention. My guess is that the studio were worried about The Abyss being a slow burner during summer blockbuster season, and instead tried desperately to sell the film to fans based on the popularity of Cameron's previous two pictures, making them think it was just as adrenalized as those two films, hence the reason why the poster is basically just an ad instead of having proper poster art that conveys the movie's themes.
The release date. I understand The Abyss was intended for a July 4th release but pushed back due to post-production issues. I think it would've been better served to have more summer weeks.
I think what killed The Abyss was probably bad word of mouth. I don't have the box office figures, but I'd guess it did alright in its opening week/weekend. After that a lot of fans probably came out saying "it was boring", "we were expecting another Aliens/Terminator like they said in the promos but it wasn't like that" etc etc
I honestly feel for most audiences, this film just wasn't interesting enough. It didn't have that something that hooked people in like Terminator did. Personally, I think this and T2 were the last good movies that Cameron made. It's more of a movie for the fans, I guess, a cult film. I think it takes a while to appreciate and to grow on you. It got a lot better over the years.
I love how they went against the grain and just put the title on.
And it is brilliant title design! The way the "y"is elongated and ends in this white light!!!! It leaves a lot to the imagination, very mysterious!
There is another reason why it flopped.
Earlier in 1989 there was to other underwater movies that got released in theaters and were very bad, so audiences were afraid to go back underwater so to speak. It was this two movies:
That is a good point. Deepstar Six was trashy. So was Leviathan though it had a good cast and I kind of enjoyed it. The Abyss still outgrossed those two by far but perhaps the damage was already done.