I love this episode. It's one of my favorites. William Hickey is great. The part where those punks were trying to steal his car but then he easily kicks their asses gets me every time.
The ending isn't really that bad. He may not be rich anymore but he's young, muscular, healthy, and handsome. He gets to live his life all over again, something most elderly people with money probably would give all their wealth away for. I know if I had my choice between being really old and near death yet remaining rich OR becoming young again and getting to live my life over despite being broke, I'd definitely choose the latter. What good is having a lot of money if you only have a few years left?
That girl wasn't worth it, he can find someone even better, and quite easily. Meanwhile, Hans probably doesn't have long to live and will only get to enjoy his riches for a few years. It's also interesting to note that Arnold Schwarzenegger, who directed and helped introduce this episode, of course starred in The Terminator along with Rick Rossovich, who played Hans.