Refrigerator Ghost Episode

I have this episode of a series in my head and I think it was from this series. I remember the episode being about a guy running over a woman with his car for refusing his advances. He then put her corpse in a refrigerator and threw it into a lake. Her spirit begins haunting him and the episode ends with him being trapped in the underwater refrigerator with the woman's ghost. Was that an episode in this series or am I thinking of another show?


Doesn't sound like a TFTC episode.


I've watched the 7 seasons and i don't remember an episode with that description...


I think you are looking for the episode Cold in the Grave, from the TV series "Ghost Stories". I saw this on a box set that I bought from Big Lots for like three bucks, so I think that this is the right one. Here's the link to the information on IMDB, if that helps!


Yes its from ghost stories narrated by rip torn,cold in the grave.great series


Damn that sound like a creepy story but I dont think that one was from TFTC but I would definely want to watch that episode.
